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A workflow manager in Python.



Sisyphus requires a Python >=3.6 installation with the following additional libraries:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Optional if curse based user interface should be used:

pip3 install urwid

Optional if web interface should be used:

pip3 install flask

Optional to compile documentation:

pip3 install Sphinx
pip3 install sphinxcontrib-mermaid

Optional if virtual file system should be used:

pip3 install fusepy
sudo addgroup $USER fuse  # depending on your system

Optional for a nicer traceback

pip3 install better_exchook


  • After the requirements are installed, install sis. This can be done with
    pip3 install git
  • The current directory (pwd), when you run sis, should have a file (see example dir).
  • Create a directory work in the current dir. All data created while running the jobs will be stored there.
  • Create a directory output in the current dir. All the registered output will end up here.
  • Create a directory alias in the current dir.
  • Run sis --config m.


Can be found here:


A short toy workflow example is given in the example directory.

To run sisyphus on the example workflow change into the /example directory and run ../sis manager

A large realistic workflow will soon be added.


If you want to commit to the repository make sure to run the unittest and check for PEP 8 by running tox. All need tools can be installed by running:

pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt

To automatically check for PEP 8 errors before committing run:

pre-commit install

The unittest and flake8 on all relevant files is done by running tox:


Known Problems:

  • blocks may don't work correctly if used together with the async workflow


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