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🙌 A vue component used to format date with time ago statement. 💬


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vue2-timeago V2

  • Localization supported
  • Show tooltip
  • Auto refresh time
  • When time refresh call a customizable function
  • Formats a date/timestamp to:
    • just now
    • 5m
    • 3h
    • 2 days ago
    • 2017-08-03
  • Rules:
    • less than 1 minute , show just now
    • 1 minute ~ 1 hour , show ** minutes ago
    • 1 hour ~ 1 day , show ** hours ago
    • 1 day ~ 1 month( 31 days ) , show ** days ago
    • more than 1 month( 31 days ) , show yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm


Live Demo

Edit vue2_timeago_demo

Local Demo

yarn serve


Get from npm / yarn:

npm i vue2-timeago@2.0.9
yarn add vue2-timeago@2.0.9

or just include vue2-timeago.umd.min.js to your view like

<script src='[email protected]/dist/vue2-timeago.umd.min.js'></script>


Use this inside your app:

import { TimeAgo } from 'vue2-timeago'

export default {
  name: 'app',
  components: {
With Default CSS
import 'vue2-timeago/dist/vue2-timeago.css'

or just include vue2-timeago.css

<time-ago :refresh="60" :datetime="new Date(2018, 7, 4, 0, 24, 0)" locale="zh_TW" tooltip></time-ago>


1. locale

Default locale is en, and the library supports en and zh_TW.

<time-ago locale="en"></time-ago> 
<time-ago :locale="locale"></time-ago> use v-bind
export default {
2. datetime
<time-ago datetime="2018-08-03 15:47:00"></time-ago> 
<time-ago :datetime="new Date(2018, 7, 4, 0, 24, 0)"></time-ago> use v-bind
<time-ago :datetime="1533286641826"></time-ago> timestamp
  • Note. Don't bind with new Date() when you use refresh property. Because every time refresh will get a new date value.

    <time-ago :datetime="new Date(2018, 7, 4, 0, 24, 0)"></time-ago>  --> OK
    <time-ago refresh :datetime="new Date()"></time-ago> --> not OK

    If you want use new Date() , just remove datetime property.

    <time-ago refresh></time-ago>
3. refresh
<time-ago refresh></time-ago> Boolean , default refresh time 60/s
<time-ago :refresh="3600"></time-ago> bind value with a number
<time-ago :refresh="1"></time-ago> Refresh time 1 second
4. tooltip

  • Base on v-tooltip, you can use placement attribute that are allowed in v-tooltip.
<time-ago tooltip></time-ago> Show tooltip 
<time-ago :tooltip="false"></time-ago> Disabled tooltip
5. tooltip options
  • Default options:
  placement: 'top',
  content: {datetime string}
  • Custom options
<time-ago tooltip :tooltip-options="tooltipOptions"/>
data () {
  return {
    tooltipOptions: {
      placement: 'bottom',
6. long
<time-ago :datetime="datetime"></time-ago> show : 2d
<time-ago :datetime="datetime" long></time-ago> show : 2 days ago
7. vue2-timeago event

You can do something when time refresh every time

<time-ago :refresh="1" :locale="locale" @update="timeRefresh" />

Parameters example:

methods: {
  timeRefresh({ timeago, nowString, timestamp }) {
    console.log(timeago) // 51m
    console.log(nowString) // 2021-01-21 10:55
    console.log(timestamp) // Thu Jan 21 2021 10:55:18 GMT 0800 (台北標準時間)
8. native event
<time-ago @click="todo"><time-ago/>
<time-ago @mouseover="todo"><time-ago/>


Property Type Default Description
datetime Date, String, Number new Date() The datetime to be formatted.
locale String en message language
refresh Boolean, Number false The period to update the component, in seconds. When true it will be 60s. Also you can bind a number.
long Boolean false Show long string with time message . ex. 3h -> 3 hours age
tooltip Boolean false Show tooltip.
tooltip-options Object { placement: 'top', content: #datetime string } tooltip options


Property Description
update After timer refreshed will trigger this event

Nuxt (global registration)

To install in nuxt run

npm i vue2-timeago

In nuxt.config.js add

  plugins: [
    { src: '~/plugins/vue2-timeago' }

In plugins/vue2-timeago.js type:

import Vue from 'vue';
import { TimeAgo } from 'vue2-timeago';

import 'vue2-timeago/dist/vue2-timeago.css';

Vue.component('time-ago', TimeAgo);

Then in components use as:

<time-ago :datetime="new Date()" tooltip/>


locale translations: The component needs more locale translations. You can Open an issue to write the locale translations, or submit a pull request. See example here.

locale support list :

  • English ( en )
  • 繁體中文 ( zh_TW )
  • 简体中文 ( zh_CN )
  • 日本語 ( jp )
  • Korean ( ko )
  • Portugal(Brazil) ( pt_BR )
  • Spain ( es )
  • Arabia ( ar )
  • French ( fr )
  • Polish ( pl )
  • Turkish ( tr )
  • Indonesian ( id )
  • Romanian ( ro )
  • Russian ( ru )
  • Germany ( de )
  • Ukrainian ( uk )
  • Bulgarian ( bg )
  • Swedish ( se )
  • Dutch / Netherlands ( nl )
  • Hebrew ( he )
  • Thai ( th )
  • Danish ( da )
  • Norwegian ( no )
  • Vietnam ( vi )

Thanks for help: