This is the public repository for ROSE, a factor for incorporating wheel odometry measurements into factors graphs to provide increased accuracy, redundancy, and robustness.
ROSE does this by integration wheel odometry in 6D using a piecewise planar method, as well as estimating slip and wheel intrinsics online. To learn more, please checkout our paper (TODO: Insert link).
By default, ROSE only builds the wheel factors for usage in gtsam. It's only dependency when used like this is gtsam 4.2. This can be done simply using cmake,
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
sudo make install
If you are interested in running our experimental setup, you'll need a slightly custom version of gtsam and the latest version of JRL. Once you have the python wrappers for both of these installed, things are built identically using cmake and make,
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
If citing, please reference TODO
- Fill out TODOs here once published (at least on arxiv)
- Figure out licensing stuff