Codes for the paper 'Solving job scheduling problems in a resource preemption environment with multi-agent reinforcement learning'
Codes for the multi-agent scheduling architecture (MASA) with QMIX
The essence of these codes is the QMIX MARL algorithm for job shop scheduling problems (JSSP).
If this repository is valuable for your research (perhaps), please cite our work as:
@article{wang2022solving, title={Solving job scheduling problems in a resource preemption environment with multi-agent reinforcement learning}, author={Wang, Xiaohan and Zhang, Lin and Lin, Tingyu and Zhao, Chun and Wang, Kunyu and Chen, Zhen}, journal={Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing}, volume={77}, pages={102324}, year={2022}, publisher={Elsevier} }
Hyper-paras can be found in './MARL/common/'