Perfect Lighthouse score.
This tech-demo demonstrates a web frontend application written in Go and TypeScript following the Islands of Interactivity architectural approach to building highly maintainable modern web applications using a cutting-edge tech stack:
- Templating
- Templ for fast and convenient server-side templating in Go. 🖨️
- Dev Tools
- Frontend
- TailwindCSS for easy styling. 💅
- Shoelace for reusable and extensible web components. 👟
- Lit for building maintainable and fast web components. 🔥
- Scripting
- Alpine.js for client-side scripting. ⛰️
- GitHub Actions for CI/CD.
Run Témplier to enable automatic hot-reload on source changes:
Then navigate to
ℹ️ Use to access the actual application server without the Templiér proxy (this won"t auto-reload on changes).
If you want to test the server with TLS enabled,
first add the domain to your /etc/hosts
file: islands.demo
Then install mkcert and run:
mkcert -install
Once the CA certificates are installed, create the certificate and key files:
mkcert islands.demo
Finally, run the server:
TLS_CERT="islands.demo.pem" TLS_KEY="islands.demo-key.pem" go run ./cmd/server -host islands.demo:8080
# First, build all generated files.
# Build server
go build -o server ./cmd/server
# Run server
TLS_CERT="path/to/cert.pem" TLS_KEY="path/to/key.pem" ./server -compress -host hostaddr
This repository uses a subset of bootstrap-icons. To copy an icon from the CDN and make it available in the public bundle, use:
# This will download the person.svg bootstrap icon.
ICON=person bun run download:icon