My name is Roman, I'm a Data Scientist and ML Engineer with Python/C/C backend.
🔭 I'm currently working with Graph Neural Networks based on Economical Graphs. I both like developong models as a Data Scientist and implement them into Production as an ML Engineer.
🌱 I'm currently learning the following courses:
- C Developer course with excellets projects, for example "Mython interpreter":
- Computer Vision for Middle Data Scientists:
Fields of interests: AI in Biology, Algotrading, Network Science, GNN, NLP, CV, MLOps, C , HPC, Distributed Systems
📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn
I grouped my projects by topics to make your search more convenient🤗
- C/C Projects
- Network Science / GNN
- Python Projects
- Algorithmic Projects
- ML/DS Projects
- NLP Projects
- CV Projects
- HPC Projetcs
- Languages: Python, C/C , SQL, Bash, Java (a long time ago), SAS (a long time ago)
- Have an experience in Labeling Crowdsourcing: Toloka/TolokaKit, LabelStudio, Phone Questionaires
- DS/DL Modeling: NLP, CV, GNN, Transformers, OCR, Time Series Analysis, Ranking, Metric Learning, Meta Learning
- DS/ML Tooling: PyTorch, DGL, PyG, Hugging Face, PyTorch Lightning, XGBoost/LightGBM/CatBoost, Scikit-Learn, SciPy, Pandas, Pybind11, ClearML, Catalyst, DVC, ONNX/TRT/OpenVino/TorchScript/TorchTrace, TorchServe
- XOps: Unix/Linux/AIX, Bash, AWK, Jenkins, Git, Airflow, Docker, Docker Compose, Ansible, DVC,
- HPC/Big Data: OMP, MPI, Hadoop, PySpark, Hive, Slurm, HDFS
- Distributed Learning: PyTorch Distributed, Gloo, NCCL, Khorovod, TGL, BNS-GCN
- Python: PyTest, FastAPI, Dependency Injector, PyDantic, Flask, KFService, sqlalchemy, BeautifullSoup, lxml, Ansible, Hydra/OmegaConf/PyYaml
- C/C : OMP, Protobuf, Boost, POCO, GTest/GMock
- My Fave IDE: Vim and NeoVim ❤️
- Data Science Specialisation from Big Data Academy MADE
- Specialisation "Machine Learning and Data Analysis"
- Natural Language Processing
- Intoductin to Big Data
- Algorithmic Toolbox
- Intoduction to Deep Learning
- Machine Learning with Big Data
- Big Data Integration and Processing
- Big Data Modeling and Management Systems