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columnist is an experimental C 23 library for ECS (Entity Component System), a data structure based on "struct of vectors" for good locality of reference. Each "vector" is column. Elements are kept packed towards the beginning of each column, but can be referenced using stable row_id type. The elements at the same row_id for each column is a row.

Status: Highly Experimental


General usage: Static Badge

#include <columnist/table.hpp>
#include <columnist/functional.hpp>

#include <ranges>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <print>

int main() {
    // Create a table with 3 column_types
    columnist::table<int, float, std::string> values;

    // insertion returns row IDs, which can be used for direct access and removal
    auto pi_id = values.insert(1, 3.1416, "pi");
    auto e_id = values.insert(2, 2.7813, "e");

    // select a subset of column_types by type or by index
    auto pi_num = columnist::select<float>(values[pi_id]); // float 3.1416
    auto e_str = columnist::select<2>(values[e_id]);       // std::string("e")

    // a table, and a column selection of a table, integrates well with ranges
    std::ranges::for_each(values | columnist::select<std::string,float>(),
                              [](auto name, auto num){
                                  std::println("{}=\t{}", name, num);
    // prints
    // pi=    3.1416
    // e=     2.7813

    constexpr auto less_than = [](auto rh) {
        return [rh](auto lh) { return lh < rh;};


    // values now only holds e

    values.erase(e_id); // values is now empty


Code generation with columninist and strong_type Static Badge

#include <strong_type/type.hpp>
#include <strong_type/affine_point.hpp>
#include <strong_type/ordered.hpp>

#include <columnist/functional.hpp>
#include <columnist/table.hpp>

#include <ranges>
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>

template <typename tag>
using acceleration = strong::type<float, tag>;
template <typename tag>
using velocity = strong::type<float, tag, strong::difference>;
template <typename tag, typename ... mods>
using distance = strong::type<float, tag, strong::difference, mods...>;
template <typename tag, typename delta, typename ... mods>
using pos = strong::type<float, tag, strong::affine_point<delta>, mods...>;

template <typename tag>
inline auto operator*(acceleration<tag> a, std::chrono::seconds t)
    return velocity<tag>{value_of(a)*t.count()};

template <typename tag>
inline auto operator*(std::chrono::seconds t, acceleration<tag> a) { return a * t; }

template <typename tag>
inline auto operator*(velocity<tag> v, std::chrono::seconds t)
    return distance<tag>{value_of(v) * t.count()};

template <typename tag>
inline auto operator*(std::chrono::seconds t, velocity<tag> v) { return v * t; }

using acceleration_y = acceleration<struct ytag>;
using velocity_x = velocity<struct xtag>;
using velocity_y = velocity<struct ytag>;
using delta_x = distance<struct xtag>;
using delta_y = distance<struct ytag>;
using pos_x = pos<struct xtag, delta_x, strong::ordered>;
using pos_y = pos<struct ytag, delta_y, strong::ordered>;
using delta_x = strong::type<float, struct xtag, strong::difference>;

using objects = columnist::table<pos_x, pos_y, velocity_x, velocity_y>;

static inline auto less_equal = [](auto x) { return [x](auto y) { return y <= x;}; };

template <typename ... column_types>
inline auto abs(strong::type<column_types...> v) { value_of(v) = abs(value_of(v)); return v; }

void remove_stopped_objetcts(objects& objs)
    constexpr auto stopped = [](auto dx, auto dy){ return abs(dx) < delta_x(0.01) && abs(dy) < delta_y(0.01);};
    erase_if(objs, columnist::select<delta_x, delta_y>(columnist::apply(stopped)));

void bounce_on_floor(objects& objs)
    constexpr pos_y floor{0.0};
    auto objs_on_floor = objs
                       | std::ranges::views::filter(columnist::select<pos_y>(columnist::apply(less_equal(floor))));
    for (auto [dy] : objs_on_floor | columnist::select<delta_y>()) {
        dy *= -0.95;

void update_pos(objects& objs, acceleration_y a, std::chrono::seconds t)
    std::ranges::for_each(objs | columnist::select<pos_y, velocity_y>(),
                          columnist::apply([a,t](auto& y, auto& vy) { vy = a*t; y = vy*t;}));
    std::ranges::for_each(objs | columnist::select<pos_x, velocity_x>(),
                          columnist::apply([t](auto& x, auto vx){x = vx*t;}));




namespace columnist {
template <typename ... column_types>
class table {
    struct row_id {
        uint32_t index:24;
        uint8_t generation;
    using row = ...
    using const_row = ...
    class iterator;
    class const_iterator;
    class sentinel;
    size_t size() const;
    bool empty() const;
    template <typename ... Us>
        requires(std::is_constructible_v<column_types, Us> && ...)
    row_id insert(Us&& ... us);
    void erase(row_id);
    void erase(const_iterator);
    bool has_row_id(row_id) const;
    row operator[](row_id);
    const_row operator[](row_id) const;
    iterator begin();
    const_iterator begin() const;
    const_iterator cbegin() const;
    sentinel end() const;
    sentinel cend() const;
    template <typename Predicate>
    friend size_t erase_if(table&, Predicate);

template <typename Table, std::index_sequence<selected_column_numbers...>>
class row {
    template <size_t ... PIs>
    explicit row(const row<Table, std::index_sequence<PIs...>>&) noexcept;
    Table::row_id row_id() const;
    template <size_t I>
    friend decltype(auto) get(row r);
    template <typename T>
    friend decltype(auto) get(row r);
    template <typename ... column_types>
    bool operator==(const tuple<column_types...>&) const;
    template <typename Table2>
        requires(is_same_v<const Table, const Table2>)
    bool operator==(const row<Table2, std::index_sequence<selected_column_numbers...>>& rh) const noexcept;



A range type whose iterators return a table row type.


A row_range for which select<selected_column_numbers...> will work


A row_range for which select<column_types...> will work

Free functions

template <size_t ... selected_column_numbers> constexpr auto select<selected_column_numbers...>(row r)

Returns a row with the selected_column_numbers... elements of r. Note that each value selected_column_numbers refers to the number of column_types referred to by r, not the column_types of the owning table, therefore select() can only be used to narrow a row to a subset of the elements referred to by r.

template <typename ... column_types> constexpr auto select<column_types...>(row r)

Returns a row with the column_types... types from r. Note that each type column_types refers to the types referred to by r, not the types of the owning table, therefore select() can only be used to narrow a row to a subset of the elements referred to by r.

template <size_t ... selected_column_numbers, typename function> constexpr auto select<selected_column_numbers...>(function f)

Returns a callable that takes a row r, and calls f(get<selected_column_numbers>(r)...)

The function f must be callable with a row with selected_column_numbers column_numbers.

template <typename ... column_types, typename function> constexpr auto select<column_types...>(function f)

Returns a callable that takes a row r, and calls f(std::get<column_types>(r)...)

The function f must be callable with a row with column_types members.

template <size_t ... selected_column_numbers> select<selected_column_numbers...>(row_range& r)

Returns a range spanning the same elements as r, but with a subselection of column_types from the column_numbers selected_column_numbers.

template <size_t ... selected_column_numbers> operator|(row_range& r, select<selected_column_numbers...>())

Returns a range spanning the same elements as r, but with a subselection of column_types from the column_numbers selected_column_numbers.

template <typename ... column_types> select<column_types...>(row_range& r)

Returns a range spanning the same elements as r, but with a subselection of column_types from the types column_types.

template <typename ... column_types> operator|(row_range r, select<column_types...>())

Returns a range spanning the same elements as r, but with a subselection of column_types from the types column_types.



inline constexpr apply = []<typename function>(function&& f)

Higher order function generalizing std::apply().

If f is a function accepting column_types... as arguments, then apply(f) is callable with a type T for which get<selected_column_numbers>() returns a type matching column_types for all column_numbers. In particular, it is callable with columnist::row<>, std::tuple<column_types...> or something that inherits from std::tuple<column_types...>.


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