Stitch is a command line application that extracts highlights from Kindle and Kobo devices. It puts the output into a local json file which can then be further processed.
Quick example:
./stitch -t kindle -o kindle.json; \
jq ".[].text" kindle.json \
| sort \
| uniq
Since the binary is not signed, you must first let Mac OS know the binary is ok to run. Do the following:
- Download the zip file
- Double click it. It will extract the file.
- Using Finder, right click on the file stitch, and select Open.
- A terminal window will open, and then close.
After that process, you can then use the binary via terminal.
Now, you can open, and run:
% ./stitch -h
[KS] main (src/main.c:27) Using user: robrohan
Usage: ./stitch [-i input_file] [-o output_file.json] -t [kobo|kindle]
Input example:
Kindle: '/media/robrohan/Kindle/documents/My Clippings.txt'
Kobo: '/media/robrohan/KOBOeReader/.kobo/KoboReader.sqlite'
Importing from Kindle
Here is an example of using Mac OS to extract highlights from Kindle:
./stitch -t kindle -i "/Volumes/Kindle/documents/My Clippings.txt" -o kindle.json
Importing from Kobo
Kobo is similar:
./stitch -t kobo -i "/Volumes/KOBOeReader/.kobo/KoboReader.sqlite" -o kobo.json
Importing data on Linux is similar to Mac. However the path is based on the current user not a global location:
stitch -t kobo -i '/media/username/KOBOeReader/.kobo/KoboReader.sqlite' -o kobo.json
stitch -t kindle -i '/media/username/Kindle/documents/My Clippings.txt' -o kindle.json
Stitch is using clang by default. You'll need to make sure that is installed and setup.
SQLite code is already included in the source directory, however to update the code you'll need to do the following:
- Download the source into vendor (vendor/sqlite3).
- Then run from within that directory:
sh configure
make sqlite3.c
- Then move sqlite3.c and sqlite3.h into the src directory.
- From that point forward, the vendor/sqlite3 directory is not used.