Code accompaniment to Mechanisms for mid-air reorientation using tail rotation in gliding geckos by Siddall, Byrnes, Full and Jusufi, accepted for publication in Integrative and Comparative Biology.
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A multibody simulation of inertial reorientation with a tail, including trajectory optimization. Used to investigate the arboreal acrobatics of geckos. Implemented in Matlab using Simscape Multibody.
The simulink model is TailFlip2DOF.mdl
TailobaticVariables.m contains all of the constants used by TailFlip2DOF.mdl, and must be run first. The external forces acting on the body are turned on/off in this script.
ProcessTailobatics.m processes the simulink data
Run OptimiseTailobatics.m to search for a tail trajectory
simulateFlip.m is the objective function used in the optimisation procedure
PlotTailobatics.m plots the final output of the optimisation.