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Starred repositories
xenia-canary / xenia-canary
Forked from xenia-project/xeniaXbox 360 Emulator Research Project
mkxp-z / mkxp-z
Forked from Ancurio/mkxpOpen-source cross-platform player for (some) RPG Maker XP / VX / VX Ace games. A very heavily modified fork of mkxp. RGSS on steroids with a stupid name.
GitHub-Powered AI for effortless development. Start as an open-source alternative to v0.dev.
A repo/wiki for achievement developers to put guides for their achievement sets
Legacy RPG Toolkit Development System
Slash is the code that runs Slashdot and other discussion sites. Slash is Free Software under the GPLv2.
Scripts to build and boot warrior virtual machine containing Docker
This project organizes classic images classification neural networks based on convolution or attention, and writes training and inference python scripts
Project based learning application development from scratch
A deep learning code base, mainly for paper replication, in the areas of image recognition, object detection, image segmentation, self-supervision, etc. Each project can be run independently, and t…
3D reconstruction project with MVSNets for depth inferring.
Linux Shell Scripting: A Project-Based Approach to Learning, published by Packt
Theory-guided hard constraint projection (HCP): a knowledge-based data-driven scientific machine learning method
This project studies the intrinsic relationship between the stocks’ multiple factors and the investment value of the stocks listed in China Securities Index 800 Index through the machine method. Th…
Project: Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Resource Provisioning and Task Scheduling for Cloud Service Providers
Machine learning template for projects based on sklearn library.
chiennv2000 / Learning-Based-Queuing-Delay-Aware-Task-Offloading-in-Collaborative-Vehicular-Networks
Evoluationay Algorithms Project: Learning-Based Queuing Delay-Aware Task Offloading in Collaborative Vehicular Networks
🔥 💪 Official Project: A Robust and Effective LiDAR-SLAM System with Learning-based Denoising and Loop Closure (DLC-SLAM, TMECH-2023)
Web-based Shape & MNIST Recognition Deep Learning Application.
A curated list of projects with proper implementations with a goal to help you improve and learn through Project-based-learnings.
This project involves building a 3D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to correctly recognize hand gestures by a user to control a smart TV.
This project aims to understand the underlying semantics of the text sentence using natural processing techniques to predict reasonable emojis based on the context.
This repository showcases how to implement trunk-based development workflow while working in a Machine Learning project.
😀 Live2D VTuber, made by Unity and Cubism. This project is based on TCP socket, OpenCV and deep learning
Contribute a Web Development, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence or any Framework based projects. Only Code based PRs will be accepted.