UI for Invenio-Search. It uses invenio-search-js
an angular application.
pip install ...
You need to install javascript
dependencies and assets. This is usually done during the instance installation (`scripts/populate.sh):
# update the packages.json for js dependencies
my_instance npm
cdvirtualenv var/my_instance-instance/static
# install js dependencies
npm install
# collect static files
my_instance collect -v
# compile css and javascript
my_instance assets build
As we use angular
templates we need to disable cache in the browser for the template update:
This will change the summary view in the angularjs
SEARCH_UI_JSTEMPLATE_RESULTS = 'templates/my_instance/brief.html'
<!-- Records iterators -->
<li ng-repeat="record in vm.invenioSearchResults.hits.hits track by $index">
<!-- FIXME find a better way to set the record url -->
<h4><a target="_self" ng-href="/records/{{ record.id }}">{{ record.metadata.title }}</a></h4>
<!-- Summary -->
<p>{{ record.metadata.description }}</p>
<!-- Links -->
<div class="text-right">
<ul class="list-inline">
<li ng-show="record.metadata.author">
<a ng-click="showAuthors=!showAuthors">
{{ showAuthors ? 'Hide authors' : 'Show authors' }}
<a ng-click="showSource=!showSource">
{{ showSource ? 'Hide source' : 'Show source' }}
<!-- Authors list -->
<div ng-hide="!showAuthors">
<li>{{ record.metadata.author }}</li>
<!-- Original record source -->
<div ng-hide="!showSource">
<pre>{{ record | json }}</pre>
<hr />
SEARCH_UI_SEARCH_API = '/api/records/'
"""Configure the search engine endpoint."""
"""Name of the search index used."""
SEARCH_UI_SEARCH_TEMPLATE = 'invenio_search_ui/search.html'
"""Configure the search page template."""
SEARCH_UI_JSTEMPLATE_COUNT = 'templates/invenio_search_ui/count.html'
"""Configure the count template."""
SEARCH_UI_JSTEMPLATE_ERROR = 'templates/invenio_search_ui/error.html'
"""Configure the error page template."""
"""Configure the facets template."""
SEARCH_UI_JSTEMPLATE_RANGE = 'templates/invenio_search_ui/range.html'
"""Configure the range template."""
SEARCH_UI_JSTEMPLATE_RANGE_OPTIONS = {'histogramId': '#year_hist',
'selectionId': '#year_select',
'name': 'years',
'width': 180}
"""Configure the range template options."""
SEARCH_UI_JSTEMPLATE_LOADING = 'templates/invenio_search_ui/loading.html'
"""Configure the loading template."""
SEARCH_UI_JSTEMPLATE_PAGINATION = 'templates/invenio_search_ui/pagination.html'
"""Configure the pagination template."""
SEARCH_UI_JSTEMPLATE_SELECT_BOX = 'templates/invenio_search_ui/selectbox.html'
"""Configure the select box template."""
"""Configure the toggle button template."""