Releases: rekby/lets-proxy
Fix target-map
Fix --target overwrite --target-map
Doesn't check certificate for locked domain
Doesn"t check any for locked domains (with .lock file in cache dir).
- same part as for .cer, .key files.
Add flag --dns-servers - for set own servers.
Add flag --dns-servers - for set own servers.
Add cloudflare server for default dns servers.
allow self-signed response if can't receive LE certificate
Sometimes websites has unconditional redirect from http to https or it has problem to handle .well-known/acme-challenge/ requests and redirect it to http-01 validations handler.
For this scenarious it has two additional mechanism:
- Handle http-01 validation in https reverse proxy
- Respose with self signed certificate if can"t retrieve normal certificate - it allow ok first http-01 validation by self https reverse proxy, without special handle .well-known/acme-challenge for http version of website.
Update golang to 1.11 for modules
v0.15.1.7 force usage modules
Fix empty list of subdomains union
Fix subdomains for empty list Fix
v0.15.1.5: Merge pull request #59 from rekby/bad-long-post
Workaround for expected header
Fix dns timeouts
It was problem is some dns was blocked and doesn"t answer something.
In previous release it waited for full request cert time, instead of few seconds.
Fix small errors
Fix small errors and typos from linters.
Fix self check domains
Fix bug in self check domains:
subdomain www was allowed if it has local record, but have no external dns record. It was couse of error to create certificates.