Collection of scripts and Lambda functions used for maintaining AWS resources
reigner-yrastorza / i2cssh
Forked from wouterdebie/i2csshcsshX like ssh tool for iTerm2
Cassandra cookbook forked from Target
Modified version of the chef-client cookbook from getchef (opscode)
reigner-yrastorza / chef-mongodb
Forked from arunjax/cookbooks-1Chef cookbook repo
Jenkins plugin for RunDeck integration : trigger, notifier and option provider.
Integrates Chef with RunDeck
reigner-yrastorza / rundeck
Forked from rundeck/rundeckthe most awesome distributed command dispatching job console
bamboo task plugin to execute a rundeck job using the Rundeck client API
Get resource node data from Amazon EC2
Jenkins plugin for RunDeck integration : trigger, notifier and option provider.
Integrates Chef with RunDeck, we are referring users to as this repository is inactive at this time.
Enable Self-Service Operations: Give specific users access to your existing tools, services, and scripts
DEPRECATED: This repository has been split up into separate repositories by cookbook under the "opscode-cookbooks" organization.