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RCVerse Oauth

Forked from Recurse OAuth example

Setup Your Local Development Environment

Node >=20 required (or see notes about Oslo installation for Node <20 here)

npm install;

To get your Client ID and Client Secret, go to, and click 'Create OAuth Application'. Use http://localhost:3001/myOauth2RedirectUri as the Redirect URI.

Then make a copy of config.env.template named config.env and fill in the secrets there. For PostgreSQL, see the Neon section below.

Once you've done the above steps, you can start your local dev environment.

Run Local Development Environment

Once you've got all your local configuration done, including setting up and running a database, you should be able to run the development server with:

npm start Deployment


When you update those values, you'll need to run fly deploy to use the new versions.

Neon deployment/PostgreSQL dev environment system

RCVerse production uses Neon to host a PostgreSQL database. You don't need to use Neon, any PostgreSQL server should work.

If you want to use Neon, you'll need to sign up for a new account. Make a new database. Save the PostgreSQL connection string into the config.env variable POSTGRES_CONNECTION as well as in the Secrets section of your Fly App.

Create some tables. Run these queries separately in the Neon "SQL Editor":

CREATE TABLE auth_user (

and this one. Note it's different from the Lucia tutorial here in that it includes a refresh_token field:

CREATE TABLE user_session (
    expires_at TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL,
    user_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES auth_user(id),
    refresh_token TEXT

Then create a table and fill it with all the standard RC room information. This table should be write-only most of the time, since RC rooms rarely change. You can locate the values of the note_block_rctogether_id field by watching the websocket messages in RCTogether when you save an edit to a note block.

CREATE TABLE zoom_rooms (
    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    room_name TEXT,
    location TEXT, /* Usually URL */
    note_block_rctogether_id TEXT, /* Associated note block ID in VirtualRC */
    visibility TEXT /* if not "visible", shouldn't appear in UI */

INSERT INTO zoom_rooms (room_name, location, note_block_rctogether_id, visibility)
('Aegis','', NULL, 'visible'),
('Arca','', NULL, 'visible'),
('Edos','', NULL, 'visible'),
('Genera','', NULL, 'visible'),
('Midori','', NULL, 'visible'),
('Verve','', NULL, 'visible'),
('Couches','', '81750', 'visible'),
('Kitchen','', NULL, 'visible'),
('Pairing Station 1','', '152190', 'visible'),
('Pairing Station 2','', '152189', 'visible'),
('Pairing Station 3','', '152193', 'visible'),
('Pairing Station 4','', '152191', 'visible'),
('Pairing Station 5','', '140538', 'visible'),
('Pairing Station 6','', '152198', 'visible'),
('Pairing Station 7','', '152192', 'visible'),
('Pomodoro Room','', NULL, 'visible'),
('Presentation Space','', NULL, 'visible'),
('Faculty Area','', NULL, 'visible'),
('Faculty Lounge','', NULL, 'visible');

Above are all the visible rooms, but some rooms are "invisible" to RCVerse, like personal rooms of RC faculty. To add an invisible room, insert a new invisible row. The difference between simply leaving a room out and adding the invisible row to the database is that if there is no associated "invisible" row in the database, a log message will appear warning there's a "surprising" zoom room that's not tracked. You can ignore this though.

To edit the rooms on production RCVerse, please ask Reed. But here's an example addition of an invisible room:

INSERT INTO zoom_rooms (room_name, location, visibility)
('Reed\'s Roomba Collection',','invisible');

RCTogether API (ActionCable)

The documentation for RCTogether's APIs lives here.

Go to and make a new application, then plug in your App ID and App secret into ACTION_CABLE_APP_ID and ACTION_CABLE_APP_SECRET in your config.env. Calendar

The calendar integration downloads the iCalendar export (.ics) from the calendar application. Go to In the Subscription URL field, you'll find a URL. That URL will have a query parameter called token. Paste the value of that token (everything after token=, not including those characters) into the RECURSE_CALENDAR_TOKEN value in your config.env.

Super Secret Auth Bypass Token

In config.env.template you will see SPECIAL_SECRET_AUTH_TOKEN_DONT_SHARE. This is used to bypass authentication for the special case where a kiosk like RCTV needs a hard-coded authentication instead of RC OAuth. This should only be used for local testing or in the case of a kiosk, it should never be stored in plain text or be visible to anyone in plain text. RCTV will hide this specific URL to hide this token. crypto.randomUUID() is a good way to make a new UUID for this purpose. Maybe prepend a signifier like rctv- to the UUID produced, so if it gets leaked you have some inkling where its from.


For web stats tracking, we're using Mixpanel. You'll need to get an application token for it and set the MIXPANEL_TOKEN env variable. I suggest not setting this token correctly in your local config.env file, and only setting it properly in the deployment, so you don't confuse local development tracking data with production data.


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