A simple web app to save my bookmarks.
This was completed as part of the Makers course and was my first full stack web application, providing experience of using the MVC model, CRUD, relational databases, ORM, and RESTful routes.
The user stores for the application are listed here.
I made reference to this repo when working on the project.
> git clone https://github.com/ralphm10/bookmark-manager
> bundle install
> rake setup
> rackup
Go to localhost:9292
> rspec
As a busy developer
So that I can quickly access my favourite websites
I would like to see a list of bookmarks
As a busy developer
So that my bookmarks are up to date
I would like to be able to add a new bookmark
As a busy developer
So that I can save a website
I would like bookmarks to display the name and title
As a busy developer
If I no longer wish to visit a website
I would like to be able to delete a bookmark
As a busy developer
So that I know my bookmarks are up to date
I would like to be able to amend the title or link of a bookmark
As a busy developer
So that I know why I added it
I would like to be able to add a comment to a bookmark
As a busy developer
So that I can add my bookmarks to categories
I would like to be able to tag a bookmark
As a busy developer
So that I can easy find bookmarks
I would like to be able to filter bookmarks on their tags
As a busy developer
So that I can can maintain my own bookmark list
I want to sign up with my email address
As a busy developer
So that I can keep my account secure
I want to sign in with my email and password