Utility library that creates a SIBA web service request without coupling with HTTP/SOAP clients.
This project"s goal is to facilitate the integration with SIBA, the Portuguese border control system for foreigns seeking accommodation in Portugal (Hotels or Alojamento Local). More info at SIBA"s Portal.
Since each project may make HTTP requests using different libraries/versions this project is limited to generating the web service SOAP request and the model involved in the task.
yarn add node-siba
npm install node-siba
This module exports two functions: buildSIBAXMLRequest
and parseSIBAXMLResponse
The following builds the SOAP XML request:
import { buildSIBAXMLRequest, GuestDocumentType } from "node-siba";
const bulletin = {
number: 1,
issueDate: new Date(),
hotelUnit: {
nipc: "121212121",
establishment: "00",
accessKey: "999999999",
name: "A Hotel",
abbreviation: "ABV",
address: "An address",
location: "A Location",
zipCode: "4050",
zipZone: "175",
phone: "999888777",
fax: "299888777",
contactName: "A Name",
contactEmail: "[email protected]"
guests: [
firstName: "John",
surname: "Doe",
nationality: "AFG",
birthDate: new Date("2009-01-01T10:00:00Z"),
birthPlace: "A place",
checkInDate: new Date("2019-01-01T10:00:00Z"),
checkOutDate: new Date("2019-01-03T10:00:00Z"),
countryOfResidence: "AFG",
placeOfResidence: "A place",
document: {
number: "ABCD1234",
issuingCountry: "AFG",
type: GuestDocumentType.PASSPORT
firstName: "Mary",
surname: "Anne",
nationality: "AFG",
birthDate: new Date("2009-01-01T10:00:00Z"),
birthPlace: "A place",
checkInDate: new Date("2019-01-01T10:00:00Z"),
checkOutDate: new Date("2019-01-03T10:00:00Z"),
countryOfResidence: "AFG",
placeOfResidence: "A place",
document: {
number: "1234ABCD",
issuingCountry: "AFG",
type: GuestDocumentType.PASSPORT
const soapRequest = buildSIBAXMLRequest(bulletin);
Console output:
<Envelope xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
<EntregaBoletinsAlojamento xmlns="http://sef.pt/">
With the request built it"s possible to call SIBA"s web service using any HTTP client, ex:
import {
} from "node-siba";
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const bulletin = {
// same structure as the example above
// generates the SOAP Envelope
const body = buildSIBAXMLRequest(bulletin);
// calls SIBA"s dev environment using fetch (could be done with axios, request, etc)
const response = await fetch(
method: "post",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/xml",
SOAPAction: "http://sef.pt/EntregaBoletinsAlojamento"
const xmlResponse = await response.text();
// Parses the XML response into an object
const sibaREsponse = parseSIBAXMLResponse(xmlResponse);
SIBA"s response object has the following structure:
interface SIBAResponse {
isSuccess: boolean;
code: string;
errorLine?: string;
errorMessage?: string;