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kotbot Build Status

Bot for Kotlin chats in telegram.

Docker Image

Project distributed as docker image, and available in docker hub.


Combot becomes paid.


  1. Use @BotFather to create bot which you will use for testing;
  2. You need to pass bot token that you received from BotFather to Bot, here two available options:
    1. Copy ./devops/.env-template-dev to ./devops/.env and replace id:secret with bot token;
    2. Set env variable KOTBOT_TOKEN to token value in Intellij IDEA's "Run/Debug Configuration";
  3. Run main in io.heapy.kotbot.Application.

That's it, you have running bot, now add him to some chat and grant admin rules (in order to delete messages and kick users), and test it.



  • web - http api
  • stats - calculates statistics based on data stored in database
  • dao - database access layer
  • bot - layer which works with telegram api



User can't send messages, until he add this bot and answer on bot's sign up questions.

Bot commands

  • /stats Display your statistics: number of warnings and helpful flags.

Administrative commands

These commands only work for group admins.

  • !mute [reason] Reply to a user to mute them for 24 hours;
  • !fmute [reason] is forever mute;
  • !unmute Reply to a user to unmute them;
  • !channelmode Enable read-only mode. Only admins can send messages. Send the command again to disable the mode;
  • !warn [reason] Reply to a user to warn them. User will receive personal warning messages through bot. First warn just send message, second - mutes for 24 hours, third - mutes user forever. Warnings expires over time.

Community commands

These commands work for everybody.

!report Reply to a message to report it to admins; 1 Reply to a message to mark it as helpful.


Per User

  • Flood %: (Avg. Message Length for chat) / (Avg. Message Length for user)
  • Active Days: Number of days when user was active
  • Messages: Number of sent messages
  • Activity: Frequency of messages and the length


  • Total messages (week, month, year, lifetime)
  • Avg. daily messages
  • Avg. messages per hour
  • Active users (week, month, year, lifetime)
  • Avg. daily users
  • Community health

    Community health tells you how engaged the community is. 100% means that at least 20% of the community is engaged and creates at least 80% of the content. If this becomes more balanced (for eg 100% of the content is created by 50% of the people) you’ll see a number above 100. On the other hand, if the community is imbalanced and all the content is created by a handful of contributors, the community health will drop below 100%.

  • User grows: Number of new users per day
  • User loss: Number of users leaves per day


  • Active users: Users/Day (Users who posted at least 1 text message during the day.)
  • Chat Activity: Messages/Day (Activity distribution is based on message length & count.)
  • Active days of the week: Messages/Week Day
  • Active hours: Messages/Day Time
  • Most active months: Messages/Month
  • Num of users


  • User can't send audios, videos, video notes and voice notes.
  • User can't send animations, games, stickers and use inline bots.


  • Delete bot calls (if any)
  • Delete joins
  • Delete commands
  • Delete videos & GIFs
  • Delete games
  • Delete voices
  • Delete all stickers


  • Web archive of messages (/room/year-month-day/)


Bot for Kotlin chats in telegram.







No releases published


No packages published


  • Kotlin 98.8%
  • Other 1.2%