To develop IntelliJ IDEA, you can use either IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate not older than 2017.2.5. To build and run the code:
- Run / getPlugins.bat from the project root directory to check out additional modules.
- If this git repository is not on "master" branch you need to checkout the same branches/tags in android and android/tools-base git repositories.
- Open the project.
- If an error notification about a missing required plugin (e.g. Kotlin) is shown enable or install that plugin.
- Configure a JSDK named "IDEA jdk" (case sensitive), pointing to an installation of JDK 1.6.
- Unless you"re running on a Mac with an Apple JDK, add <JDK_HOME>/lib/tools.jar to the set of "IDEA jdk" jars.
- Configure a JSDK named "1.8", pointing to an installation of JDK 1.8.
- Add <JDK_18_HOME>/lib/tools.jar to the set of "1.8" jars.
- If "Maven Integration" plugin is disabled add path variable "MAVEN_REPOSITORY" pointing to "<USER_HOME>/.m2/repository" directory (File | Settings | Appearance & Behavior | Path Variables).
- Use Build | Build Project to build the code.
To run the IDE from the built code
- use the provided shared run configuration "IDEA".
To run tests apply these setting to the default JUnit run configuration type:
- Working dir:
- VM parameters:
-ea -Xbootclasspath/p:../out/classes/production/boot -Xmx128M -Djava.system.class.loader=com.intellij.util.lang.UrlClassLoader -Didea.config.path=../test-config -Didea.system.path=../test-system
You can find other useful information at Contribute section of that site describes how you can contribute to IntelliJ IDEA.