THIS IS NO INSTALLATION PACKAGE, this is the phing code-generator and testsuite(IDE).
Installation is done via the _phing Installation Package.
git clone
cd _phing
index.php reads the file "plugins.csv" and creates a build.xml file from it. you may either use it as a website/IDE or from the shell.
the code-generator tests against a copy of the gitlab-projects. a copy of the database is already shipped here. a git pull will bring you the latest version... if the version-string is set, then the min/max version will be checked also. skins have no plugin.php!
a copy of the database is already shipped here. a git pull will bring you the latest version... the index is created via "spider.php".
$> php spider.php
if you want to use the spider, you must edit /lib/_all.php and paste your token there.
In the first section of the site, you may type/copy the plugin.csv and check the version-string. the lower section is just for copy-paste purposes...
if you are not interested in version-checking, then use this
$> php index.php
if you also want to check the plugin min/max version, then just add the version-string as the parameter
$> php index.php 7.1.2
git config --global credential.helper "cache --timeout=300"
git clone
cd phinghelper
- check if "clean clone prod composer dev" ( aka "install dev" ) returns "Build Successful" ... then the columns hold valid git-information(the commands make no sense, but test each column of the csv file )