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Enabling Secure Keyless Acoustic Communication for Smartphones

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How to Use

=== When you start the application, there are two buttons. First for sender and another for receiver.

Main Class && Methods


Main Part:

SenderActivity: Keep input value, encode that value.

encodeMessage: Encodes the message and plays the sound signal using FSK. 

ReceiverActivity: Start the receiver to receive the sound signal from mic. The data received is stored in a buffer and then will appear on the screen

AudioReceiver: Receive the data/message.

messageReceived: Check the message is received, if not then send last message.

###FSK Modulation/Demodulation: When app starts a thread object that continuously records sound.

ArduinoService: sound acquisition

AudioRecordingRun(): loop that records sound
write(int): encodes the integer and plays the sound signal.

FSKDecoder: Thread object that demodulates the sound signal.

FSKModule: Utility static methods related to FSK modulation/demodulation.

      encode(int): encodes the number into a sound signal
      decodeSound(double): decodes the sound signal into an integer

ErrorDetection: Before transmission the number(between 0 and 31) is added with a checksum. Then at the reception, the message is decoded and if checksum check:

      fails: an ARQ (Automatic Request Query) code is sent, then the sender repeats the last message sent.
      agrees: an ACK (Acknowledgment) code is sent (if not received the sender tries to the send the last message again). 



1. Demonstrate encode function by transferring text to voice frequency (9,000~10,000 Hz).(1 week)

In this process, we use two major techniques to implement transition, FSK and ECC.

Frequency shift keying (FSK) is a frequency modulation scheme in which digital information is transmitted through discrete frequency changes of a carrier wave. Normally, the transmitted audio alternates between two tones: one , the "mark", represents a binary one, the other, the "space", represents a binary zero.

Error correction code (ECC) is a systematic way of building codes that could detect and correct multiple random symbols. It viewed as cyclic BCH codes, where encoding symbols are derived from the coefficients of a polynomial constructed by multiplying p(x) with a cyclic generator polynomial, which gives rise to efficient decoding algorithms.

2. Demonstrate decode function by transferring voice frequency to text.(1 week)

3. Do the test on smart phones. To see if we can get the right text by choosing a specific voice frequency (handled by FSK).(1 week)

4. Testing if we can use FSK algorithm to transfer any text information to the voice frequency, and vice versa.(2 weeks)

5. By adding the white noise, our group implement security function and test the correctness.(4 weeks)

The applications of accelerometer and distance detector determine:

  1. the receiver generates jamming signal;
  2. sender sends information to receiver;
  3. after receiver gets the mixed signal, it will remove the jamming signal.

Team Member

==== Chen Si

Wang Jun

Tu Yujin