Through the PVWA REST API, administer CyberArk PAS with PowerShell.
Contains all of the documented API capabilities up to CyberArk v14.0.
Master Branch | Latest Build | CodeFactor | Coverage | PowerShell Gallery | License |
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- psPAS Functions
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Everything begins with a Logon:
To submit a logon request to the CyberArk API, use the psPAS New-PASSession
All subsequent operations are carried out by psPAS
utilises the input data provided for the New-PASSession
request (URL, Certificate), as well as data received from the API after successful authentication (Authentication Token, PVWA Version).
- Use a PowerShell credential object containing a valid vault username and password.
$cred = Get-Credential
PowerShell credential request
Enter your credentials.
User: safeadmin
Password for user safeadmin: **********
New-PASSession -Credential $cred -BaseURI
- Specify LDAP credentials allowed to authenticate to the vault.
$cred = Get-Credential
PowerShell credential request
Enter your credentials.
User: xApprover_1
Password for user xApprover_1: **********
New-PASSession -Credential $cred -BaseURI -type LDAP
UserName Source UserTypeName AgentUser Expired Disabled Suspended
-------- ------ ------------ --------- ------- -------- ---------
xApprover_1 LDAP EPVUser False False False False
$cred = Get-Credential
PowerShell credential request
Enter your credentials.
User: DuoUser
Password for user DuoUser: **********
New-PASSession -Credential $cred -BaseURI -type RADIUS -OTP 123456
UserName Source UserTypeName AgentUser Expired Disabled Suspended
-------- ------ ------------ --------- ------- -------- ---------
DuoUser LDAP EPVUser False False False False
SAML SSO authentication using IWA and ADFS can be performed
New-PASSession -BaseURI $url -SAMLAuth
Where IWA SSO is not possible, the PS-SAML-Interactive module can be used to get the SAMLResponse from an authentication service.
The SAMLResponse received from the IdP is sent to complete saml authentication to the API.
import-module -name "C:\PS-SAML-Interactive.psm1"
$loginURL = ""
$baseURL = ""
$loginResponse = New-SAMLInteractive -LoginIDP $loginURL
New-PASSession -SAMLAuth -concurrentSession $true -BaseURI $baseURL -SAMLResponse $loginResponse
- Where PVWA/IIS requires client certificates, "psPAS" will use any specified certificates for the duration of the session.
PKI Authentication Example:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Security
# Get Valid Certs
$MyCerts = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2[]](Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My)
# Select Cert
$Cert = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2UI]::SelectFromCollection(
"Choose a certificate",
"Choose a certificate",
) | select -First 1
New-PASSession -Credential $cred -BaseURI $url -type PKI -Certificate $Cert
Shared Authentication Example:
$Cert = "0E199489C57E666115666D6E9990C2ACABDB6EDB"
New-PASSession -UseSharedAuthentication -BaseURI -CertificateThumbprint $Cert
Privilege Cloud Shared Services authentication flows require the pspete IdentityCommand
module, available from the Powershell Gallery & GitHub.
Provide Identity User credentials and tenant details for authentication to CyberArk Identity for Privilege Cloud Shared Services:
#using URL
New-PASSession -IdentityTenantURL -PrivilegeCloudURL -Credential $Cred -IdentityUser
#using subdomain
New-PASSession -TenantSubdomain SomeTenantName -Credential $Cred -IdentityUser
Provide tenant ID and non-interactive API User credentials for authentication via CyberArk Identity for Privilege Cloud Shared Services:
New-PASSession -TenantSubdomain YourPrivilegeCloudTenantID -Credential $ServiceUserCreds -ServiceUser
Consult the vendor documentation for guidance on setting up a dedicated API Service user for non-interactive API use.
- Get information relating to Safes you have access to:
Get-PASSafe -search _YZO
SafeName ManagingCPM NumberOfDaysRetention NumberOfVersionsRetention Description
-------- ----------- --------------------- ------------------------- -----------
1_TestSafe_096_YZO PasswordManager 3 TestSafe: 1_TestSafe_096_YZO
1_TestSafe_100_YZO PasswordManager 3 TestSafe: 1_TestSafe_100_YZO
3_TestSafe_058_YZO PasswordManager 3 TestSafe: 3_TestSafe_058_YZO
3_TestSafe_068_YZO PasswordManager 3 TestSafe: 3_TestSafe_068_YZO
3_TestSafe_069_YZO PasswordManager 3 TestSafe: 3_TestSafe_069_YZO
2_TestSafe_090_YZO PasswordManager 3 TestSafe: 2_TestSafe_090_YZO
1_TestSafe_067_YZO PasswordManager 3 TestSafe: 1_TestSafe_067_YZO
- Find Safe Members:
Get-PASSafeMember -SafeName 1_TestSafe_067_YZO -search Usr
UserName SafeName Permissions
-------- -------- -----------
ACC-G-1_TestSafe_067_YZO-Usr 1_TestSafe_067_YZO @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; listAccounts=True; addAccounts=False;.....
- Query for Vault Users:
Get-PASUser -Search xap
ID UserName Source UserType ComponentUser Location
-- -------- ------ -------- ------------- --------
657 xApprover_A LDAP EPVUser False \psPETE\Users
658 xApprover_1 LDAP EPVUser False \psPETE\Users
659 xApprover_B LDAP EPVUser False \psPETE\Users
660 xApprover_2 LDAP EPVUser False \psPETE\Users
661 xApprover_C LDAP EPVUser False \psPETE\Users
662 xApprover_3 LDAP EPVUser False \psPETE\Users
- Return Account data:
Get-PASAccount -SafeName "3_TestSafe_028_XYJ" -search sbwudlov
AccountID : 286_4
Safe : 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
userName : sbwudlov
name : Operating System-Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF-SOMEDOMAIN.COM-sbwudlov
platformId : Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF
secretType : password
platformAccountProperties : @{LogonDomain = SOMEDOMAIN }
secretManagement : @{automaticManagementEnabled = True; lastModifiedTime = 1559864222 }
createdTime : 06/06/2019 23:37:02
- The
parameters ofGet-PASAccount
force use of the 1st gen API:
Get-PASAccount -Safe 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
WARNING: 2 matching accounts found. Only the first result will be returned
AccountID : 286_3
Safe : 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
Folder : Root
Name : Operating System-Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF-SOMEDOMAIN.COM-kmgrsebf
UserName : kmgrsebf
DeviceType : Operating System
InternalProperties : @{CreationMethod = PVWA }
- Only details of the first found account will be returned.
- More results can be returned by specifying alternative parameters to avoid sending the request via the 1st gen API
PS>Get-PASAccount -SafeName "3_TestSafe_028_XYJ"
AccountID : 286_3
Safe : 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
userName : kmgrsebf
name : Operating System-Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF-SOMEDOMAIN.COM-kmgrsebf
platformId : Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF
secretType : password
platformAccountProperties : @{LogonDomain = SOMEDOMAIN }
secretManagement : @{automaticManagementEnabled = True; lastModifiedTime = 1559864221 }
createdTime : 06/06/2019 23:37:01
AccountID : 286_4
Safe : 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
userName : sbwudlov
name : Operating System-Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF-SOMEDOMAIN.COM-sbwudlov
platformId : Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF
secretType : password
platformAccountProperties : @{LogonDomain = SOMEDOMAIN }
secretManagement : @{automaticManagementEnabled = True; lastModifiedTime = 1559864222 }
createdTime : 06/06/2019 23:37:02
- Add an account to manage:
#Convert Password to SecureString
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Secret1337$" -AsPlainText -Force
#Additional account details
$platformAccountProperties = @{
"Notes"="Demo Account. Owner:psPete"
#Add Account
Add-PASAccount -secretType Password -secret $Password -SafeName "YourSafe" -PlatformID "YourPlatform" `
-Address "domain" -Username SomeUsername -platformAccountProperties $platformAccountProperties
- Simple safe creation:
Add-PASSafe -SafeName NewSafe -Description "New Safe" -ManagingCPM PasswordManager -NumberOfVersionsRetention 10
SafeName ManagingCPM NumberOfDaysRetention NumberOfVersionsRetention Description
-------- ----------- --------------------- ------------------------- -----------
NewSafe PasswordManager 10 New Safe
- Consistent safe membership:
Add-PASSafeMember -SafeName NewSafe -MemberName NewMember -UseAccounts $false -ListAccounts $true `
-RetrieveAccounts $false -ViewAuditLog $true -ViewSafeMembers $true
UserName SafeName Permissions
-------- -------- -----------
NewMember NewSafe @{useAccounts=False; retrieveAccounts=False; listAccounts=True; addAccounts=False;...
- Update values for individual account properties:
Set-PASAccount -AccountID 286_4 -op replace -path /address -value NEWDOMAIN.COM
AccountID : 286_4
Safe : 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
userName : sbwudlov
name : Operating System-Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF-SOMEDOMAIN.COM-sbwudlov
platformId : Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF
secretType : password
platformAccountProperties : @{LogonDomain=SOMEDOMAIN}
secretManagement : @{automaticManagementEnabled=True; lastModifiedTime=1559864222}
createdTime : 06/06/2019 23:37:02
Set-PASAccount -AccountID 286_4 -op replace -path /platformAccountProperties/LogonDomain -value NEWDOMAIN
AccountID : 286_4
Safe : 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
userName : sbwudlov
name : Operating System-Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF-SOMEDOMAIN.COM-sbwudlov
platformId : Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF
secretType : password
platformAccountProperties : @{LogonDomain=NEWDOMAIN}
secretManagement : @{automaticManagementEnabled=True; lastModifiedTime=1559864222}
createdTime : 06/06/2019 23:37:02
- Verify passwords
# immediate verification
Invoke-PASCPMOperation -AccountID $ID -VerifyTask
- Change passwords for accounts or account groups
# immediate change
Invoke-PASCPMOperation -AccountID $ID -ChangeTask
# immediate change to a specific password value
Invoke-PASCPMOperation -AccountID $ID -ChangeTask -ChangeImmediately $true -NewCredentials $SecureString
# change password in the Vault only
Invoke-PASCPMOperation -AccountID $ID -ChangeTask -NewCredentials $SecureString
# change password for account group
Invoke-PASCPMOperation -AccountID $ID -ChangeTask -ChangeEntireGroup $true
# change password for account group to a specific password value
Invoke-PASCPMOperation -AccountID $ID -ChangeTask -ChangeEntireGroup $true -NewCredentials $SecureString
- Reconcile passwords
# immediate reconcile
Invoke-PASCPMOperation -AccountID $ID -ReconcileTask
- Import Custom Connection Components:
Import-PASConnectionComponent -ImportFile C:\Temp\
- Import & Export of CPM Platforms:
#Import a Platform
Import-PASPlatform -ImportFile C:\Temp\
#Export a Platform
Export-PASPlatform -PlatformID "Some-SSH-Platform" -Path C:\Temp
- Work with the PowerShell pipeline:
#Find directory groups assigned to safes
Get-PASSafe -search YZO | Get-PASSafeMember -memberType group -includePredefinedUsers $false |
Where-Object { Get-PASGroup -search $_.UserName -groupType Directory }
UserName SafeName Permissions
-------- -------- -----------
ACC-G-1_TestSafe_096_YZO-Usr 1_TestSafe_096_YZO @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
ACC-G-1_TestSafe_096_YZO-Adm 1_TestSafe_096_YZO @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
ACC-G-1_TestSafe_100_YZO-Usr 1_TestSafe_100_YZO @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
ACC-G-1_TestSafe_100_YZO-Adm 1_TestSafe_100_YZO @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
ACC-G-3_TestSafe_058_YZO-Usr 3_TestSafe_058_YZO @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
ACC-G-3_TestSafe_058_YZO-Adm 3_TestSafe_058_YZO @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
ACC-G-3_TestSafe_068_YZO-Usr 3_TestSafe_068_YZO @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
ACC-G-3_TestSafe_068_YZO-Adm 3_TestSafe_068_YZO @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
ACC-G-3_TestSafe_069_YZO-Usr 3_TestSafe_069_YZO @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
ACC-G-3_TestSafe_069_YZO-Adm 3_TestSafe_069_YZO @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
ACC-G-2_TestSafe_090_YZO-Usr 2_TestSafe_090_YZO @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
ACC-G-2_TestSafe_090_YZO-Adm 2_TestSafe_090_YZO @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
ACC-G-1_TestSafe_067_YZO-Usr 1_TestSafe_067_YZO @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
ACC-G-1_TestSafe_067_YZO-Adm 1_TestSafe_067_YZO @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
- Multiple
commands can be used together, along with standard PowerShell CmdLets:
#Add all "admin" users in the root location to the PVWAMonitor group
Get-PASUser -UserType EPVUser -Search Admin | Where-Object { $_.location -eq "\" } |
Add-PASGroupMember -GroupName PVWAMonitor
#Find an account, then find the members of the account"s safe.
Get-PASAccount -id 283_3 | Get-PASSafeMember
UserName SafeName Permissions
-------- -------- -----------
SafeAdmin 3_TestSafe_100_OWZ @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
PSMAppUsers 3_TestSafe_100_OWZ @{useAccounts=False; retrieveAccounts=False; lis...
PasswordManager 3_TestSafe_100_OWZ @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
SafeAdmin3 3_TestSafe_100_OWZ @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
ACC-G-3_TestSafe_100_OWZ-Usr 3_TestSafe_100_OWZ @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
ACC-G-3_TestSafe_100_OWZ-Adm 3_TestSafe_100_OWZ @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
Prov_ZZSRV01 3_TestSafe_100_OWZ @{useAccounts=False; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
psPAS 3_TestSafe_100_OWZ @{useAccounts=False; retrieveAccounts=True; lis...
The standard features of PowerShell which allow creation of and iterations through collections of objects, can be used to perform bulk operations:
$Accounts = Import-Csv -Path C:\Temp\Accounts.csv
New-PASSession -Credential $creds -BaseURI https://your.pvwa.url
foreach($Account in $Accounts){
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Account.Password -AsPlainText -Force
Add-PASAccount -secretType Password `
-secret $Password `
-platformAccountProperties @{"LOGONDOMAIN"=$Account.LogonDomain} `
-SafeName $Account.SafeName `
-PlatformID $Account.PlatformID `
-Address $Account.Address `
-Username $Account.Username
#Specify Vault Logon Credentials
$LogonCredential = Get-Credential
New-PASSession -Credential $LogonCredential -BaseURI https://your.pvwa.url
$Safes = Get-PASSafe -search TestSafe
#Delete Safes
foreach ($Safe in $Safes){
Remove-PASSafe -SafeName $Safe.SafeName -WhatIf
#Vault Logon Credentials
$LogonCredential = Get-Credential
New-PASSession -Credential $LogonCredential -BaseURI https://your.pvwa.url
#get list of users
$users = Get-Content .\userlist.txt
#move users
$users | foreach{
Set-PASUser -UserName $_ -Location "\New\Location\Path" -WhatIf
- Define Safe Roles and assign to safe members:
$Role1 = [PSCustomObject]@{
UseAccounts = $true
ListAccounts = $true
ViewAuditLog = $false
ViewSafeMembers = $false
$Role2 = [PSCustomObject]@{
UseAccounts = $false
ListAccounts = $true
RetrieveAccounts = $false
AddAccounts = $true
UpdateAccountContent = $true
UpdateAccountProperties = $true
InitiateCPMAccountManagementOperations = $true
SpecifyNextAccountContent = $false
RenameAccounts = $true
DeleteAccounts = $true
UnlockAccounts = $true
ManageSafe = $true
ManageSafeMembers = $true
BackupSafe = $false
ViewAuditLog = $true
ViewSafeMembers = $true
requestsAuthorizationLevel1 = $false
requestsAuthorizationLevel2 = $false
AccessWithoutConfirmation = $true
CreateFolders = $true
DeleteFolders = $true
MoveAccountsAndFolders = $true
$Role1 | Add-PASSafeMember -SafeName NewSafe -MemberName a032485 -SearchIn Vault
UserName SafeName Permissions
-------- -------- -----------
a032485 NewSafe @{useAccounts=True; retrieveAccounts=False; listAccounts=True;...
$Role2 | Add-PASSafeMember -SafeName NewSafe -MemberName SafeAdmin1 -SearchIn Vault
UserName SafeName Permissions
-------- -------- -----------
SafeAdmin1 NewSafe @{useAccounts=False; retrieveAccounts=False; listAccounts=Tr...
#Find Active Sessions for a PSM Server IP
#Terminate the Sessions
Get-PASPSMSession | Where-Object{
($_.RawProperties.ProviderID -eq $(Get-PASComponentDetail -ComponentID SessionManagement |
Where-Object{$_.ComponentIP -eq ""} |
Select -ExpandProperty ComponentUserName))
-and ($_.IsLive) -and ($_.CanTerminate)} | Stop-PASPSMSession
- Multiple updates can be performed in a single request:
[array]$operations += @{"op"="remove";"path"="/platformAccountProperties/LogonDomain"}
[array]$operations += @{"op"="replace";"path"="/name";"value"="SomeNewName"}
[array]$operations += @{"op"="replace";"path"="/address";"value"=""}
Set-PASAccount -AccountID 286_4 -operations $operations
AccountID : 286_4
Safe : 3_TestSafe_028_XYJ
address :
userName : sbwudlov
name : SomeNewName
platformId : Z_WINDOMAIN_OFF
secretType : password
secretManagement : @{automaticManagementEnabled=True; lastModifiedTime=1559864222}
createdTime : 06/06/2019 23:37:02
Methods present on objects returned from psPAS functions can be leveraged to get the data you need with ease.
- The
object returned byGet-PASSafe
has a ScriptMethod (SafeMembers()
), which will run a query for the members of the safe:
#List all safes where AppUser is not a member
Get-PASSafe | Where-Object{ ($_.safemembers() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UserName) -notcontains "AppUser"}
- Retrieved credentials can be immediately converted into Secure Strings or into a PsCredential object:
#Returns a Secure String
(Get-PASAccount -id 330_5 | Get-PASAccountPassword).ToSecureString()
#Returns a PsCredential Object
(Get-PASAccount -id 330_5 | Get-PASAccountPassword).ToPsCredential()
#Returns a PsCredential Object with a custom username (to include a domain for example)
(Get-PASAccount -id 330_5 | Get-PASAccountPassword).ToPsCredential("MyDomain\MyAccount")
- If actions are required to be performed under the context of different user accounts, it is possible to work with different authenticated sessions:
#Start first session
$VaultAdmin = Get-Credential
PowerShell credential request
Enter your credentials.
User: VaultAdmin
Password for user VaultAdmin: **********
New-PASSession -Credential $VaultAdmin -BaseURI
UserName Source UserTypeName AgentUser Expired Disabled Suspended
-------- ------ ------------ --------- ------- -------- ---------
VaultAdmin Internal EPVUser False False False False
#Save first session data
$FirstSession = Get-PASSession
#Start second session
$SafeAdmin = Get-Credential
PowerShell credential request
Enter your credentials.
User: SafeAdmin
Password for user SafeAdmin: **********
New-PASSession -Credential $SafeAdmin -BaseURI
UserName Source UserTypeName AgentUser Expired Disabled Suspended
-------- ------ ------------ --------- ------- -------- ---------
SafeAdmin Internal EPVUser False False False False
#Save second session data
$SecondSession = Get-PASSession
#Switch back to first session
Use-PASSession -Session $FirstSession
UserName Source UserTypeName AgentUser Expired Disabled Suspended
-------- ------ ------------ --------- ------- -------- ---------
VaultAdmin Internal EPVUser False False False False
#End first session
#Switch to second session
Use-PASSession -Session $SecondSession
UserName Source UserTypeName AgentUser Expired Disabled Suspended
-------- ------ ------------ --------- ------- -------- ---------
SafeAdmin Internal EPVUser False False False False
#End second session
A selection of psPAS sample scripts can be found in the psPAS-Examples repository.
This section lists the commands available in psPAS as well as any relevant version requirements.
Depending on your version of CyberArk, different psPAS commands and parameters are available.
The most recent psPAS version should work with your particular CyberArk version and be able to be used with it.
The version requirements for certain parameters are described in greater detail in the command"s documentation.
The module will take steps to verify that your version of CyberArk meets any psPAS command"s minimum version requirement.
If version requirement criteria are not met, operations may be prevented.
To learn more about the parameters that may be used and the required version, consult the output of the "Get-Help" command for the "psPAS" functions.
Click the below dropdown to view the current list of psPAS functions and their minimum version requirements:
List of Functions
Function Name | CyberArk Version | Description |
New-PASSession |
9.0 | Authenticates a user to CyberArk Vault |
Close-PASSession |
9.0 | Logoff from CyberArk Vault. |
Get-PASSession |
--- | Get psPAS Session Data. |
Use-PASSession |
--- | Set psPAS Session Data. |
Add-PASPublicSSHKey |
9.6 | Adds an authorised public SSH key for a user. |
Get-PASPublicSSHKey |
9.6 | Retrieves a user"s SSH Keys. |
Remove-PASPublicSSHKey |
9.6 | Deletes a Public SSH Key from a user |
Add-PASAccountACL |
9.0 | Adds a new privileged command rule to an account. |
Get-PASAccountACL |
9.0 | Lists privileged commands rule for an account |
Remove-PASAccountACL |
9.0 | Deletes privileged commands rule from an account |
Add-PASAccountGroupMember |
9.95 | Adds an account as a member of an account group. |
Get-PASAccountGroup |
9.10 | Returns account groups in a Safe. |
Get-PASAccountGroupMember |
9.10 | Returns members of an account group. |
New-PASAccountGroup |
9.95 | Adds a new account group |
Remove-PASAccountGroupMember |
9.10 | Deletes a member of an account group |
Add-PASAccount |
9.0 | Adds a new account. |
Add-PASPendingAccount |
9.7 | Adds discovered account or SSH key as a pending account. |
Get-PASAccount |
9.3 | Returns information about accounts. |
Get-PASAccountActivity |
9.7 | Returns activities for an account. |
Get-PASAccountPassword |
9.7 | Returns password for an account. |
Remove-PASAccount |
9.3 | Deletes an account |
Set-PASAccount |
9.5 | Updates details of an account. |
Invoke-PASCPMOperation |
9.7 | Invoke CPM verify, change & reconcile tasks. |
Unlock-PASAccount |
9.10 | Checks in an exclusive-use account. |
Add-PASApplication |
9.1 | Adds a new application |
Add-PASApplicationAuthenticationMethod |
9.1 | Add authentication method to an application |
Get-PASApplication |
9.1 | Returns details of applications |
Get-PASApplicationAuthenticationMethod |
9.1 | Returns application authentication methods |
Remove-PASApplication |
9.1 | Deletes an application |
Remove-PASApplicationAuthenticationMethod |
9.1 | Delete auth method from an application |
Import-PASConnectionComponent |
10.3 | Imports a Connection Component |
New-PASPSMSession |
9.10 | Get required parameters to connect through PSM |
Get-PASPSMRecording |
9.10 | Get details of PSM Recording |
Get-PASPSMSession |
9.10 | Get details of PSM Sessions |
Resume-PASPSMSession |
10.2 | Resumes a Suspended PSM Session. |
Stop-PASPSMSession |
10.1 | Terminates a PSM Session. |
Suspend-PASPSMSession |
10.2 | Suspends a PSM Session. |
Get-PASOnboardingRule |
9.7 | Gets automatic on-boarding rules |
New-PASOnboardingRule |
9.7 | Adds a new on-boarding rule |
Remove-PASOnboardingRule |
9.7 | Deletes an automatic on-boarding rule |
Get-PASPlatform |
9.10 | Retrieves details of a specified platform. |
Import-PASPlatform |
10.2 | Import a new platform |
Export-PASPlatform |
10.4 | Export a platform |
Add-PASPolicyACL |
9.0 | Adds a new privileged command rule |
Get-PASPolicyACL |
9.0 | Lists OPM Rules for a policy |
Remove-PASPolicyACL |
9.0 | Delete privileged commands from policy |
Approve-PASRequest |
9.10 | Confirm a single request |
Deny-PASRequest |
9.10 | Reject a single request |
Get-PASRequest |
9.10 | List requests |
Get-PASRequestDetail |
9.10 | Get request details |
New-PASRequest |
9.10 | Creates an access request for an account |
Remove-PASRequest |
9.10 | Deletes a request |
Add-PASSafeMember |
9.3 | Adds a Safe Member to a safe |
Get-PASSafeMember |
9.7 | Lists the members of a Safe |
Remove-PASSafeMember |
9.3 | Removes a member from a safe |
Set-PASSafeMember |
9.3 | Updates a Safe Member"s Permissions |
Add-PASSafe |
9.2 | Adds a new safe |
Get-PASSafe |
9.7 | Returns safe details |
Remove-PASSafe |
9.3 | Deletes a safe |
Set-PASSafe |
9.3 | Updates a safe |
Get-PASSafeShareLogo |
9.7 | Returns details of SafeShare Logo |
Get-PASServer |
9.7 | Returns details of the Web Service Server |
Get-PASServerWebService |
9.7 | Returns details of the Web Service |
Get-PASComponentDetail |
10.1 | Returns details about component instances. |
Get-PASComponentSummary |
10.1 | Returns consolidated information about components. |
Add-PASGroupMember |
9.7 | Adds a user as a group member |
Get-PASLoggedOnUser |
9.7 | Returns details of the logged on user |
Get-PASUserLoginInfo |
10.4 | Returns login details of the current user |
Get-PASUser |
9.7 | Returns details of a user |
New-PASUser |
9.7 | Creates a new user |
Remove-PASUser |
9.7 | Deletes a user |
Set-PASUser |
9.7 | Updates a user |
Unblock-PASUser |
9.7 | Activates a suspended user |
Get-PASDirectory |
10.4 | Get configured LDAP directories |
Add-PASDirectory |
10.4 | Add a new LDAP directory |
New-PASDirectoryMapping |
10.4 | Create a new LDAP directory mapping |
Add-PASPTARule |
10.4 | Add a new Risky Commandrule to PTA |
Get-PASPTAEvent |
10.3 | Get security events from PTA |
Set-PASPTAEvent |
11.3 | Set PTA security event status |
Get-PASPTARemediation |
10.4 | Get automatic response config from PTA |
Get-PASPTARule |
10.4 | List Risky Command rules from PTA |
Set-PASPTARemediation |
10.4 | Update automaticresponse config in PTA |
Set-PASPTARule |
10.4 | Update a Risky Commandrule in PTA |
Get-PASAccountDetail |
10.4 | Returns information about accounts. |
Get-PASGroup |
10.5 | Return group information |
Remove-PASGroupMember |
10.5 | Remove group members |
Set-PASOnboardingRule |
10.5 | Update Onboarding Rules |
Add-PASDiscoveredAccount |
10.5 | Add discovered accounts to the Accounts Feed |
Connect-PASPSMSession |
10.5 | Get required parameters to connect to a PSM Session |
Get-PASPSMSessionActivity |
10.6 | Get activity details from an active PSM Session. |
Get-PASPSMSessionProperty |
10.6 | Get property details from an active PSM Session. |
Get-PASPSMRecordingActivity |
10.6 | Get activity details from a PSM Recording. |
Get-PASPSMRecordingProperty |
10.6 | Get property details from a PSM Recording. |
Export-PASPSMRecording |
10.6 | Save PSM Session Recording to a file. |
Request-PASJustInTimeAccess |
10.6 | Request temporary access to a server. |
Revoke-PASJustInTimeAccess |
12.0 | Revoke temporary server access. |
Get-PASDirectoryMapping |
10.7 | Get details of configured directory mappings. |
Set-PASDirectoryMapping |
10.7 | Update a configured directory mapping. |
Remove-PASDirectory |
10.7 | Delete a directory configuration. |
Find-PASSafe |
10.1 - 11.7 | List or Search Safes by name. |
Set-PASDirectoryMappingOrder |
10.10 | Reorder Directory Mappings |
Set-PASUserPassword |
10.10 | Reset a User"s Password |
New-PASGroup |
11.1 | Create a new CyberArk group |
Get-PASPlatformSafe |
11.1 | List details for all platforms |
Remove-PASDirectoryMapping |
11.1 | Deletes a Directory Mapping |
Enable-PASCPMAutoManagement |
10.4 | Enables Automatic CPM Management for an account |
Disable-PASCPMAutoManagement |
10.4 | Disables Automatic CPM Management for an account |
Test-PASPSMRecording |
11.2 | Determine validity of PSM Session Recording |
Copy-PASPlatform |
11.4 | Duplicate a platform |
Enable-PASPlatform |
11.4 | Enable a platform |
Disable-PASPlatform |
11.4 | Disable a platform |
Remove-PASPlatform |
11.4 | Delete a platform |
Remove-PASGroup |
11.5 | Delete a user group |
Get-PASAllowedReferrer |
11.5 | List PVWA Allowed Referrer |
Add-PASAllowedReferrer |
11.5 | Add PVWA Allowed Referrer |
Get-PASAccountSSHKey |
11.5 | Get Private SSH Key value of Account |
Get-PASAuthenticationMethod |
11.5 | List authentication methods |
Add-PASAuthenticationMethod |
11.5 | Add authentication method |
Set-PASAuthenticationMethod |
11.5 | Update authentication method |
Get-PASConnectionComponent |
11.5 | List configured connection components |
Get-PASPSMServer |
11.5 | List configured PSM Servers |
Get-PASPlatformPSMConfig |
11.5 | List Platform PSM configuration |
Set-PASPlatformPSMConfig |
11.5 | Update Platform PSM configuration |
Start-PASAccountImportJob |
11.6 | Add multiple accounts to existing Safes. |
Get-PASAccountImportJob |
11.6 | Get status of account import |
New-PASAccountObject |
--- | Format an object to include in an import list |
Get-PASDiscoveredAccount |
11.6 | List discovered accounts |
Add-PASOpenIDConnectProvider |
11.7 | Adds an OIDC Authentication Provider |
Get-PASOpenIDConnectProvider |
11.7 | Gets details of configured OIDC Authentication Providers |
Remove-PASOpenIDConnectProvider |
11.7 | Deletes an OIDC Authentication Provider |
Set-PASOpenIDConnectProvider |
11.7 | Updates an OIDC Authentication Provider |
Remove-PASAuthenticationMethod |
11.7 | Delete an authentication method |
Clear-PASDiscoveredAccountList |
12.1 | Clear all discovered accounts from the pending account list |
Get-PASAccountPasswordVersion |
12.1 | Get details of previous password versions |
New-PASAccountPassword |
12.0 | Generate new password values based on platform policy |
Set-PASLinkedAccount |
12.1 | Associate logon and reconcile accounts |
Clear-PASLinkedAccount |
12.2 | Clear associated linked accounts |
Clear-PASPrivateSSHKey |
12.1 | Remove all MFA caching SSH Keys |
New-PASPrivateSSHKey |
12.1 | Generate MFA caching SSH Keys |
Remove-PASPrivateSSHKey |
12.1 | Delete MFA caching SSH Keys |
Set-PASGroup |
12.0 | Update CyberArk groups |
Get-PASPlatformSummary |
12.2 | Get information on platform system types |
Enable-PASUser |
12.6 | Enable CyberArk Users |
Disable-PASUser |
12.6 | Disable CyberArk Users |
Publish-PASDiscoveredAccount |
12.6 | Onboard Discovered Accounts |
Get-PASLinkedAccount |
12.2 | Get details of linked accounts |
Get-PASLinkedGroup |
12.2 | Get details of linked groups |
Add-PASPersonalAdminAccount |
12.6 | Add Personal Admin Account (Privilege Cloud Only). |
Get-PASPTAGlobalCatalog |
13.0 | Get Global Catalog connectivity details for PTA. |
Add-PASPTAGlobalCatalog |
13.0 | Add Global Catalog connectivity details to PTA. |
Get-PASUserTypeInfo |
13.2 | Get User Type Info |
Get-PASPTARiskEvent |
13.2 | Get PTA Risk Events |
Set-PASPTARiskEvent |
13.2 | Update PTA Risk Events |
Get-PASPTARiskSummary |
13.2 | Get PTA Risk Summary |
New-PASRequestObject |
--- | Format an object to include in an request list |
Add-PASPTAIncludedTarget |
14.0 | Includes a PTA Monitored Target |
Add-PASPTAExcludedTarget |
14.0 | Excludes a PTA Monitored Target |
Add-PASPTAPrivilegedGroup |
14.0 | Configures a PTA Privileged Group |
Add-PASPTAPrivilegedUser |
14.0 | Configures a PTA Privileged User |
Get-PASPTAExcludedTarget |
14.0 | Get PTA Excluded Target |
Get-PASPTAIncludedTarget |
14.0 | Get PTA Included target |
Get-PASPTAPrivilegedGroup |
14.0 | Get PTA Privileged Group |
Get-PASPTAPrivilegedUser |
14.0 | Get PTA Privileged User |
Remove-PASPTAExcludedTarget |
14.0 | Remove PTA Excluded Target |
Remove-PASPTAIncludedTarget |
14.0 | Remove PTA Included Target |
Remove-PASPTAPrivilegedGroup |
14.0 | Remove PTA Privileged Group |
Remove-PASPTAPrivilegedUser |
14.0 | Remove PTA Privileged User |
Set-PASIPAllowList |
P Cloud Only | Set P Cloud IP Allow List |
Get-PASIPAllowList |
P Cloud Only | Get P Cloud IP Allow List |
Get-PASBYOKConfig |
P Cloud Only | Get P Cloud BYOK Config |
Publish-PASDiscoveredLocalAccount |
P Cloud Only | Publish P Cloud Discovered Local Account |
Remove-PASDiscoveredLocalAccount |
P Cloud Only | Delete P Cloud Discovered Local Account |
Get-PASDiscoveredLocalAccountActivity |
P Cloud Only | Get P Cloud Discovered Local Account Activity |
Get-PASDiscoveredLocalAccount |
P Cloud Only | Get P Cloud Discovered Local Account |
Clear-PASDiscoveredLocalAccount |
P Cloud Only | Clear all P Cloud Discovered Local Accounts |
Add-PASDiscoveredLocalAccount |
P Cloud Only | Add P Cloud Discovered Local Account |
- PowerShell Core, or Windows Powershell v5 (minimum)
- CyberArk PAS REST API/PVWA Web Service (available and accessible over HTTPS using TLS 1.2)
- A user who can authenticate and has the necessary Vault/Safe permissions.
Users can download psPAS from GitHub or the PowerShell Gallery.
Choose any of the following ways to download the module and install it:
This is the easiest and most popular way to install the module.
PowerShell 5.0 or above must be used to download the module from the PowerShell Gallery.
Open a PowerShell prompt
Execute the following command:
Install-Module -Name psPAS -Scope CurrentUser
The module files can be manually copied to one of your PowerShell module directories.
Use the following command to get the paths to your local PowerShell module folders:
The module files must be placed in one of the listed directories, in a folder called psPAS
More: about_PSModulePath
The module files are available to download using a variety of methods:
- Download from the module from the PowerShell Gallery:
- Run the PowerShell command
Save-Module -Name psPAS -Path C:\temp
- Copy the
folder to your "Powershell Modules" directory of choice.
- Run the PowerShell command
- Download the latest GitHub release
- Unblock & Extract the archive
- Rename the extracted
folder topsPAS
- Copy the
folder to your "Powershell Modules" directory of choice.
- Download
GitHub Branch
- Unblock & Extract the archive
- Copy the
(\<Archive Root>\psPAS-master\psPAS
) folder to your "Powershell Modules" directory of choice.
Validate Install:
Get-Module -ListAvailable psPAS
Import the module:
Import-Module psPAS
List Module Commands:
Get-Command -Module psPAS
Get detailed information on specific commands:
Get-Help New-PASUser -Full
Please support continued psPAS development; consider sponsoring @pspete on GitHub Sponsors
All notable changes to this project will be documented in the Changelog
- Pete Maan - pspete
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Any and all contributions to this project are appreciated.
See the for a few more details.
psPAS is neither developed nor supported by CyberArk; any official support channels offered by the vendor are not appropriate for seeking help with the psPAS module.
Help and support should be sought by opening an issue, or emailing [email protected].
Priority support could be considered for sponsors of @pspete, contact us to discuss options.
Hat Tips:
Joe Garcia (infamousjoeg) for the unofficial API documentation, general API wizardry & knowledge sharing.
Jesse McWilliams
For the information needed to add PKIPN authentication into New-PASSession
Wojciech Ossowski (Qrelis) For sharing the details of the account unlock API.
Allyn Lindsay (allynl93) for PS-SAML-Interactive
Assaf Miron (AssafMiron) For the JSON formatting assistance.
Warren Frame (RamblingCookieMonster) for Add-ObjectDetail.ps1.