- Walter Tracy, Letters of credit: a view of type design. London, Gordon Fraser, 1986. Esad Fonds Caine | BookFinder
- Alexander Lawson, *Anatomy of a typeface. * Boston, David R. Godine, 1990. Esad | Bookfinder
- Albert Frederick Johnson, *Type designs. * London, Grafton & Co, 1934. Bookfinder
- Stanley Morison, A Tally of Types, Cambridge University Press. Bookfinder
- Robert Bringhurst, The elements of typographic style. Esad | Bookfinder
- Tim Ahrens, Size-specific adjustments to type designs. Esad
- Max Caflish, Schriftanalysen. Typotron St. Gallen, 2003.
- Fernand Baudin, La typographie au tableau noir. Bookfinder
- Fred Smeijers, Counterpunch: making type in the sixteenth century; designing typefaces now. London, Hyphen Press, 1996. Esad | Bookfinder
- Jaspert, Berry and Johnson, Encyclopaedia of Typefaces. Esad Fonds Caine | Bookfinder
- Mac McGrew, American Metal Typefaces of the Twentieth Century. Oak Knoll Books, 1993. Bookfinder
- L. W. Wallis, Modern encyclopedia of typefaces, 1960-90. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990. Esad Fonds Caine | Bookfinder
- Gerritt Noordzij, The stroke: theory of writing of the pen. London, Hyphen Press, 2005. Esad | Bookfinder
- Claude Mediavilla, Calligraphie. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1993. Esad | Bookfinder
- James Sutton, Alan Bartram, Atlas of Typeforms. Esad Fonds Caine | Bookfinder
- Fernand Baudin, L"effet Gutenberg. Paris, Cercle de la Librairie, 1993. Esad | Bookfinder
- Richard Southall, Printer’s type in the twentieth century: manufacturing and design methods, Oak Knoll, 2005. Esad | Bookfinder