_ 👂 My name is Prakhar Gandhi
- 🔭 Deployed features related to my machine learning.
- 🔭 Immediately available to join any company and prefer to do permanent WFH.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on making personal top 50 ideas and make them come to reality. Previously worked in Standard Chartered Bank Global Business Services Private Limited @ Bangalore office on building solutions in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision.
- 📫 How to reach me: Through [email protected]
- 🌱 You can see what I am currently upto on https://metaverse-portfolio-website.vercel.app/
⚡ Fun fact: It is never too late to become a master of your dreams.
name: Prakhar Gandhi
located_in: Bangalore, Karnataka
current_job: Data Analyst
- Self-Taught Developer, newly found interest in Competitive Programming in search of finding solutions of seemingly impossible problems along with writing optimized code using Data Structures and algoritmss and A Better Coder Than Yesterday,
- B Tech in Electronics and Intrumentation from BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus,
- Did Udemy Courses related to basics of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Applied Statistics in the area of Hypothesis Testing, Bayesian Learning using A/B Testing and UI/UX website development in python.
company: SCBGBS(Standard Chartered Bank Global Business Services Private Limited)
- Web Development,
- Data Science,
- Machine Learning,
- UI/UX Programming in python,
- Network Programming in python,
- Noise Detection in images,
- Docker
- Employed - Data Analyst,
- Intern - Database Management & Machine Learning in Python,
- Intern - Artificial Intelligence,
- MapReduce, Network Programming and ML Algos from scratch
2022 Goals:
- Learn to write optimized algorithms using the knowledge of Competitive Programming Contests. Do at least 2 self taught courses till the end of this year.(One Done on Game Development in Unity using c-sharp and another done on blockchain).
2023 Goals:
- Completed courses related to Bayesian ML in A/B Testing and Advanced Computer Vision.
- Completed courses related to MLOps using AWS Sagemaker, Microsoft Azure and Reinforcement Learning.
- Now moved on to courses related to System Design in 2024.
2024 Goals:
- Added features on metaverse portfolio website @ https://metaverse-portfolio-website.vercel.app/
hobbies: [
💬 "Metaverse Technology Creation",
💬 "Youtube content creation",
💬 "Cinema",
💬 "Prompt Engineering using ChatGPT",
💬 "Learning Core Subjects of CS like OOPs(Object Oriented Programming), OS(Operating Systems), DBMS(Database Management Systems) and CN(Computer Networks)"