This is the GrowCherry project from Hackorona - Creativity will not be quarantined Hackathon
The coronavirus pandemic created new restrictions that grocery stores and Supermarkets have to work under pressure : In Israel, a business must not hold more than 10 customers within the same store.
Due to these new restrictions a large number of customers went through to place food orders through digital platforms, but find it hard to use, especially for elderly.
Many Grocery stores are unable to accept multiple orders at the same time, and hold a small number of delivery workers. Which leads to high orders delays in deliveries
At the same time, Local grocery stores are losing their customers because of their inability to make deliveries
GrowCherry created a network for Grocery stores that allows customers to shop online in the most accessible way for elderly and whom can’t leave their homes. Our Network create job opportunities for individuals, while giving local stores the ability to make deliveries using outsource delivery services.
Locally customized a global solution
We at GrowCherry see this opportunity to impact a global problem with a unique local customized solution . By creating a local solution we will create on-going global solution to one of the main problems humanity needs to deal with in times of social distancing, quarantine and movement restrictions.
You can find the Team Presentation below
There are 2 projects in this repo, courier
(Mobile app project), mock-api
(Mock Backend project)
: This project usesjson-server
npm package to generate mock api which returnsjson
output. Also it hasfaker
npm package to generate real-looking data, such as, first name, last name, product name, location, address, etc. -
: This project usesionic
to build an IOS and Android apps for elderly people. Underlyingly this project usesangular
Here is the guideline to run the project on your machine;
- Clone the project by running the following command on your Terminal
git clone
- Go to
folder and installnpm
dependencies by running the following command on your Terminal
cd src/mock-api
npm i
- Go to
folder and installnpm
dependencies by running the following command on your Terminal
cd src/courier
npm i
- Run the Mock Backend project first
cd src/mock-api
npm run start
- Run the Courier project
cd src/courier
npm run start
When you first run the courier
project, it redirects to SignUp page
You can go to Login page by clicking Sign In link at the bottom
When you SignUp or Login if there is an error, you'll see a notification at the top of your screen
If everything is OK, then your account is created and app redirected to Verify page
When you verify your pin with the message sent from the system, you'll be redirected to the Main Page
Sending pin notification is not implemented yet, entering 4 numbers is enough to verify yourself
On the Main Page you'll find deliveries waiting for couriers. List of deliveries are gathered around your location. If you want to expand or narrow the list, you can change the range
Valid values are; 1 KM, 3 KM, 5 KM, 10 KM, any
If you click the menu button on the Main Page you can see the current account and other options of the app.
Also, you can change the theme to Dark.
You can continue to use the app in Dark Mode
If you want to list the deliveries of another location, you can search for an address.
You can see your current address and search for another address in the Set your location page.
When you select another address, Main Page will list deliveries around the selected address.
When you click Go > button, you'll be redirected to Delivery Details page.
You can see the Starting Point, Location of the supermarket and Delivery Point.
Mostly, starting point is your current location.
To start the process, you'll click Go > button at the bottom of the screen.
You'll see your location section is lit green and app is waiting for you to arrive to the supermarket.
When you arrive to supermarket, you'll click Report Arrival button at the bottom of the screen.
App will lit supermarket location section green and it'll wait you to start collecting shopping items.
When you click Order list button at the bottom of the screen, you'll be redirected to Order list page.
You can set collected item's checkboxes manually, or you can launch barcode scanner and scan the items barcode. App will set the item's checkbox automatically.
Scanning a barcode functionality is done, but it requires an actual device to scan a barcode, it isn't possible to scan a barcode if you're using an emulator
When you collect every item in the oder list you need to click Done button at the top of the screen.
You'll be redirected to Delivery Details page and delivery location section will be lit green.
When you actually delivered the items, then you'll click Delivery finished button at the bottom of the screen.
App will redirect you to the Main Page.