GPU Mounter is a kubernetes plugin which enables add or remove GPU resources for running Pods. This Introduction(In Chinese) is recommended to read which can help you understand what and why is GPU Mounter.
- Supports add or remove GPU resources of running Pod without stopping or restarting
- Compatible with kubernetes scheduler
- Kubernetes v1.16.2 / v1.18.6 (other version not tested, v1.13 is required, v1.15 is recommended)
- Docker 19.03/18.09 (other version not tested)
- Nvidia GPU device plugin
(must be configured as default runtime)
NOTE: If you are using GPU Mounter on Kubernetes v1.13 or v1.14, you need to manually enable the feature KubeletPodResources
. It is enabled by default in Kubernetes v1.15 .
- label GPU nodes with
kubectl label node <nodename> gpu-mounter-enable=enable
- deploy
chmod u x
./ deploy
- uninstall
./ uninstall
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.
- Please let me know by Issues if you experience any problems.
- Pull requests are very welcomed, if you have any ideas to make GPU Mounter better.