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Table helper

A Laravel heper ( based on plokko/resource-query ) for creating dynamic (orderable and fiterable) AJAX tables.


Install throught composer composer require plokko/querable-resource



Initialyze the TableHelper by passing the database table name to use

$table = TableHelper::table('users');

or the base query to use (filters and condition will be added to your query, field selection will be overridden)

$table = TableHelper::table(User::where('id','>',0));

or a ResourceQuery object (the base query will be used as it is, filters and order will be added or replaced )

$table = TableHelper::table(new \plokko\ResourceQuery\ResourceQueryBuilder());

You can then start defining table and column proprieties using the fluent setters. The fluent setters will allow to customize your table and columns in a readable way and will allow to access base table methods even while you're defining a column.

// TableHelper definition via fluent setters
    ->column('id')// "id" column scope
    ->column('name')// "name" column scope
        ->label('User name')

        ->label('User name')

        //->class('primary white--text')
        //->cellClass('primary lighten-5')

        ->label('Creation age')
        ->field(\DB::raw('TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,created_at,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP )'))

    ->column('actions')// No associated table field
        ->columnView('<v-btn @click="">Test {{}}</v-btn>')

    ->setPageSize(30) /// Sets the number of elements per page
    ->autoselect(true)/// Automatically applies it to the table even if in field scope

In your controller returning the TableBuilder instance will automatically execute the query and return the data; to enable AJAX functionality in the same page return it if the request is AJAX like below

    return $table;

Pass the instance on your view

//Use it in view
return view('your-view.example',compact('table'));

And render the table using the render() method

<!-- ...your view code... -->

    <!-- Renders the table in your view -->
    {{ $table->render() }}

<!-- ... -->

Table options

  • formAction(string $action) - Set the form action, defaults to ''
  • column(string $name) - Declares or retrieve a column by name
  • removeColumn(string $name) - Removes a column by name
  • setDefaultSortBy(array $attr) - Array of default sorting order (Ex. ['field1',['field2','desc'],]
  • setBaseLangFile(string $attr) - Set the translation file for label, the file (or field) should contain an array with field name as key and labels as values
  • selectFields(array|null $fields) - Explicitly set selected fields (ex. ['id',DB::raw('count(id)'),...])
  • autoSelect(boolean $enabled) - Enables or disable auto select field generation


  • render() - Returns the table (render in view)
  • renderAttr() - Returns the table attributes (render in view)
  • renderBody() - Returns the table body (render in view)
  • getHeaders() - Returns the headers as an array

Column options

Column fields are set by calling a function with the value:

  • label(string|null $value) - Text to use in the headers, if none is specified it will be used the label from global translations or field name
  • field(string|null|\Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression $value) - Set the table field used for select (and filtering or sorting if not explicit), defaults to table name if not set.
  • type(string|null type) - Set field type (ex. boolean, email, etc.) for formatting
  • align(string|null type) - Set header alignment (left|center|right)
  • component(string|null $component) - Set field component (in render)
  • rowClass(string|null $class) - Set row (CSS) class
  • cellClass(string|null $class) - Set cell (CSS) class
  • visible(bool $visible) - Sets the column visibility
  • virtual(bool $virtual) - Sets the column as virtual (no corresponding table field, ex. table actions)
  • columnView(null|string|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\View|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|Closure $view) - Sets the column view
  • virtual(bool $virtual) - Sets the column as virtua (no corresponding table field, ex. table actions)
  • attr(string $key,mixed $value) - Set one field attribute as key-value
  • setAttrs(array $attributes) - Set all attributes as a key-value array
  • sort(boolean|null|string|\Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression $field,[boolean $reverse]) - Makes the column sortable, first argument is table field (null or false to disable sorting, true to use base field or string or Expression to specify sorted field). If $reverse is set to true the sorting will be reversed (asc. when desc and vice versa)
  • filter(string|boolean|Closure $condition='=',null|string|\Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression $field=null) - Makes the column filterable, $condition specifies the condition to use and $field specifies the field to use (defaults to base field if null)


  • remove() - Alias of removeColumn('<column-name>'), removes the column


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