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Website to crowd-annotate tweets for Humor Research. Originally created for pgHumor, and also used in the HAHA competitions. If you want to learn general information about the data and its format, see HUMOR website.


There are two ways to run this code after cloning the repo: with Docker or via Pipenv. The first one is the recommended way to get started (or to just use for the database), and the second one is for the extraction and analysis part, and for advanced usage (such as debugging with an IDE).


You need Docker and Docker Compose for this. To run the Flask development server in debug mode, auto-detecting changes:

docker compose up --build


  1. Install the Python and MySQL library headers. In Ubuntu, it"d be:

    sudo apt install libmysqlclient-dev python3-dev
  2. Install the dependencies using Pipenv:

    pipenv install -d
  3. Create a .env file with the following content (setting some env vars values):

  4. Run:

    pipenv shell  # It will load the environment, along with the .env file.
    flask run
  5. Set up a MySQL 5.7 instance. It could be the instance generated with the Docker setup.

Tweet data

You need data to mess with. There"s a dump with the downloaded tweets in the HUMOR repo.

First, create a database with the options DEFAULT CHARSET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci. It could be created with schema.sql:

mysql -u $USER -p < schema.sql

The default user for Docker is root. The default password for the dev environment in Docker is specified in the docker-compose.override.yml file.

To load a database dump, run in another shell:

mysql -u $USER -p pghumor < dump.sql

You can prefix docker compose exec database to the command to run it in the database Docker container. Or you can use a local mysql:

# First check the IP address of the container.
# Note the actual Docker container name depends on the local folder name.
docker container inspect pghumor-clasificahumor_database_1 | grep IPAddress
# Then use the IP address (e.g., to connect:
mysql -h -u root -p
# You can also set the password in the command like: -p$PASSWORD

Pro-tip: you can use mycli, which is included in the dev dependencies for this project, and it"s a more powerful MySQL default CLI client (e.g., it has code highlighting, command auto-complete, and doesn"t need the semicolon at the end of every command):

mycli -h -u root
# You can also set the password in the command like: -p $PASSWORD

For both mysql and mycli, you can append a database name at the end of the command (e.g., pghumor) to select it when starting the session.

Useful SQL commands

List the databases:


List pghumor database tables:

USE pghumor;
SHOW tables;

Describe a particular table (e.g., tweets):

DESCRIBE tweets;

Show some data from a table:

SELECT * FROM tweets LIMIT 10;


To run it using a WSGI server, just like in production, do:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.testing.yml up -d --build

Then you can do some testing, such as running a load test:


Manipulating production data

To back up the data in production:

docker exec clasificahumor_database_1 mysqldump -u root -p pghumor > dump.sql

To run a SQL script in production (e.g., to restore some data):

docker exec -i clasificahumor_database_1 mysql -u root -p pghumor < dump.sql

To open a mysql interactive session in production:

docker exec -i clasificahumor_database_1 mysql -u root -p pghumor

For these commands, using directly Docker Compose (docker compose exec database) is also supported instead of the Docker CLI directly (docker exec clasificahumor_database_1). However, the extra flags needed for each of them change as Docker Compose exec subcommand uses a pseudo TTY, and it"s interactive by default while the Docker CLI exec subcommand doesn"t.

Production setup

The repo was first cloned in production in /opt/clasificahumor. The following command was run:

git config receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead

The file /opt/clasificahumor/.git/hooks/post-update in production has been set with the following content to deploy on git push:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

pushd .. > /dev/null  # So it loads the .env file in the working directory.
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d --build
popd > /dev/null

Deploy to production

Add a git remote to push to production:

git remote add production $

Then just push to production:

git push production

Tweet extraction

Follow the steps here to download new tweets and get them into the database.

Download new tweets

Add the following to the .env file with the content (replace with the Twitter API credentials values):


Note that normally we wouldn"t need the access token and access token secret as we"re not authenticating other users to this "Twitter app." However, the app access token can be used to act in the name of the Twitter app user owner (user-based authentication), and thus gain greater Twitter API rate limits than in an app-based authentication context.

Download tweets from the hose

./extraction/ > tweets1.jsonl

Download tweets from humorous accounts

./extraction/ > tweets2.jsonl

Persist the downloaded tweets into the database

./extraction/ < tweets.jsonl

See the options available in the command with ./extraction/ --help.


To compute the agreement (for example, with this annotations_by_tweet.csv file):

./analysis/ FILE


If you have an SSL connection error when trying to access the database, see MySQL ERROR 2026 - SSL connection error - Ubuntu 20.04.