A simple command to fetch hadoop mapreduce job histories.
download built binary from github release or $ go get "github.com/plainbanana/olivine"
or $ make
$ olivine --hostfile jobhistorynodes > olivine.csv
$ olivine --help
A command to fetch hadoop job histories.
olivine [flags]
olivine [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
plot Visualize data.
version return versions.
-h, --help help for olivine
--hostfile string Specify target hosts from a hostfile. default target is localhost.
--log string Specify olivine minimun log level. {trace, debug, info, warn, error, alert} (default "info")
-p, --port string Specify the port where target hadoop job history server running on hosts. (default "19888")
Use "olivine [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ olivine plot -h
Plot data which read from a csv file.
olivine plot [flags]
-c, --csv string Specify input csv filepath. (default "olivine.csv")
-h, --help help for plot
-s, --save string Specify output image filename. (default "histories.png")
Global Flags:
--log string Specify olivine minimun log level. {trace, debug, info, warn, error, alert} (default "info")