- To run
programs fromcmd-line
, we need to setup the Path in Environment asC:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
- A Basic program to print
Hello World
in VB
Imports System
Module Module1
'This program is used to display Hello World
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World")
End Sub
End Module
- Sub Procedure -> A Sub procedure is a series of Visual Basic statements enclosed by the Sub and End Sub statements. The Sub procedure performs a task and then returns control to the calling code, but it does not return a value to the calling code.
Public Sub Function_Name()
- Function Procedure -> The Function procedure performs a task and then returns control to the calling code. When it returns control, it also returns a value to the calling code.
- To call a function with multiple parameters, the syntax is
Function1 "Parameter1",Parameter2,"parameter3"..
Sub Function1(p1 As String,p2 As Integer,p3 As String)
End Sub
Public Function Variable_to_Return() As Data_Type
To create an object a class
Dim object_name As new Class_Name()
Data Members are called fields and Procedure members are called methods
Shared or Static methods are invoked without creating an object of the class
Shared Sub Main()
Dim object1 As Class1()
End Sub
is a keyword that defines or can be used to check ifvb
language is being used as its value isVB
statement is used for variable declaration and storage allocation for one or more variables.The Dim statement is used at module, class, structure, procedure or block level -
To Create a
object,New DateTime(yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mm,ss)
Dim waiting As DateTime = New DateTime(2012, 12, 12, 17, 58, 1)
CBool(expression) -> Converts the expression to Boolean data type.
CByte(expression) -> Converts the expression to Byte data type.
CChar(expression) -> Converts the expression to Char data type.
CDate(expression) -> Converts the expression to Date data type
CDbl(expression) -> Converts the expression to Double data type.
CDec(expression) -> Converts the expression to Decimal data type.
CInt(expression) -> Converts the expression to Integer data type.
CLng(expression) -> Converts the expression to Long data type.
CObj(expression) -> Converts the expression to Object type.
CSByte(expression) -> Converts the expression to SByte data type.
CShort(expression) -> Converts the expression to Short data type.
CSng(expression) -> Converts the expression to Single data type.
- To indicate any variable as
'Use of Constant Keyword
Module constantsNenum
Sub Main()
Const pi = 3.14149
Dim radius,area As Single
' pi = 3 if done then will give error as its constant
radius = 7
area = radius * pi * radius
Console.WriteLine("radius {0}",radius) 'radius 7
Console.WriteLine("Area " & Str(area)) 'Area 153.933
End Sub
End Module
- An enumerated type is declared using the Enum statement. The Enum statement declares an enumeration and defines the values of its members. The Enum statement can be used at the module, class, structure, procedure, or block level.
Module constantsNenum
Enum Colors
red = 1
orange = 2
yellow = 3
green = 4
azure = 5
blue = 6
violet = 7
End Enum
Enum Colors08
red ' start from 0
orange '1
yellow '2
End Enum
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("The Color Red is : " & Colors.red)
Console.WriteLine("The Color Yellow is : " & Colors.yellow)
Console.WriteLine("The Color Blue is : " & Colors.blue)
Console.WriteLine("The Color Green is : " & Colors.green)
End Sub
End Module
'The Color Red is: 1
'The Color Yellow is: 3
'The Color Blue is: 6
'The Color Green is: 4
- To Display
Message Box
, useMsgBox("Any Message")
- To Display
Input Box
, useInputBox("Title of Input")
Public Module myModule
Sub Main()
Dim user As String =
InputBox("What is your name?")
MsgBox("User name is" & user)
End Sub
End Module
- The Syntax for
If (condition) Then
ElseIf (condition) Then
End If
- To use short-circuit evaluation, use
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim x = 5
Console.WriteLine(If (x=5,"True","False"))
End Sub
End Module
- The Syntax for
Module decisions
Sub Main()
'local variable definition
Dim grade As Char
grade = "B"
Select grade
Case "A"
' Unlike the break in C/C it does not require Break statement
Case "B", "C" 'works for both B and C
Console.WriteLine("Well done")
Case "D"
Console.WriteLine("You passed")
Case "F"
Console.WriteLine("Better try again")
Case Else
Console.WriteLine("Invalid grade")
End Select
Console.WriteLine("Your grade is {0}", grade)
End Sub
End Module
- For Next
Module Loops
Sub Main()
Dim a As Byte
For a = 10 to 20 Step 2
Console.WriteLine("Value of a is "&str(a))
End Sub
End Module
'value of a: 10
'value of a: 12
'value of a: 14
'value of a: 16
'value of a: 18
'value of a: 20
- Do Loop
Module DoLoop
Sub Main()
dim a As Integer
a = 23
a = 1
Loop While (a<=26)
Check() 'Calling Function
End Sub
Sub Check()
dim a As Integer
a = 0
a = 1
Loop Until (a>5)
End Sub
End Module
- For Each Next
Live Demo
Module loops
Sub Main()
Dim anArray() As Integer = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
Dim arrayItem As Integer
'displaying the values
For Each arrayItem In anArray
End Sub
End Module
- While ... End While
Module loops
Sub Main()
Dim a As Integer = 10
' while loop execution '
While a < 20
Console.WriteLine("value of a: {0}", a)
a = a 1
End While
End Sub
End Module
- With ... End With
Module loops
Public Class Book
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Author As String
Public Property Subject As String
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim aBook As New Book
' Instead of Writing aBook 3 times to assign value we can
With aBook
.Name = "VB.Net Programming"
.Author = "Piyush"
.Subject = "Information Technology"
End With
aBook.Author = "Pykid"
With aBook
End With
End Sub
End Module
- VB supports
statement as
Live Demo
Module loops
Sub Main()
' local variable definition
Dim a As Integer = 10
If (a = 15) Then
' skip the iteration '
a = a 1
GoTo Line1
End If
Console.WriteLine("value of a: {0}", a)
a = a 1
Loop While (a < 20)
End Sub
End Module
- The String keyword in VB is an alias for
class - You can create string object using one of the following methods:
- By assigning a string literal to a String variable
- By using a String class constructor
- By using the string concatenation operator ( )
- By retrieving a property or calling a method that returns a string
- By calling a formatting method to convert a value or object to its string representation
Module strings
Sub Main()
Dim fname,lname,fullname As String
fname = "Piyush"
lname = "Agarwal"
fullname = fname " " lname
' By using String Constructor
Dim characters As Char() = {"H","E","Y"}
Dim greetings As String = New String(characters)
' Methods returning String
Dim sarray() As String = {"Hey","Piyush","Agarwal"}
Dim message As String = String.Join(" ",sarray)
' formatting method to convert a value
Dim waiting As DateTime = New DateTime(2020,11,22,19,21,08)
Dim chat As String = String.Format("Message Sent At {0:t} on {0:D}",waiting)
End Sub
End Module
- String.Compare -> returns 0 if strings are equal
Module strings
Sub Main()
Dim str1, str2 As String
str1 = "This is test"
str2 = "This is test"
If (String.Compare(str1, str2) = 0) Then
Console.WriteLine(str1 " and " str2 " are equal.")
Console.WriteLine(str1 " and " str2 " are not equal.")
End If
End Sub
End Module
- String.Contains -> checks if certain substring is present in main string
Module strings
Sub Main()
Dim str1 As String
str1 = "This is test"
If (str1.Contains("test")) Then
Console.WriteLine("The sequence 'test' was found.")
End If
End Sub
End Module
- String.Substring -> returns a Substring from a main string
Module strings
Sub Main()
Dim str As String
str = "Last night I dreamt of San Pedro"
Dim substr As String = str.Substring(23)
End Sub
End Module
- String.Join -> Used to join an string iterable using a character. Its syntax is
String.Join("Character to join with","String to join")
Module Joining
Sub Main()
dim story As String() = {
"My Name is {0}",
"And ofcourse i am smart"
Dim name As String = Console.ReadLine()
End Sub
End Module
- String.Concat -> this function is to concatenate any number of string objects and return a joined string
Module ConcatenateString
Sub Main()
'Console.Read() reads the values in ASCII value
Dim word,sentence As String
word = ""
sentence = ""
word = Console.ReadLine()
If word.length = 0 Then
Exit While
End If
IF sentence.length = 0 Then
sentence = String.Concat(sentence,word)
sentence = String.Concat(sentence," ",word)
End If
End While
End Sub
End Module
- Data Type of Date Value is
- The
class belongs to theMicrosoft.VisualBasic
namespace and theDateTime
structure belongs to theSystem
namespace DateTime
can be used in C# as well but not theDateAndTime
- To Get the DateTime value in
Universal Time (UTC)
format, we can useUtcNow
function - To Find the Complete list of
methods, Click Me
Module Module1
Sub Main()
' Date Time Constructor year,month,day,hour,min,sec
Dim date1 As New Date(2020,11,25,14,23,12)
' 25-11-2020
' Initialize a new DateTime value
Dim date2 As Date = #11/25/2020 01:08:52 PM#
' 25-11-2020 13:08:52
' Few properties
Console.WriteLine(Date.Now) ' 25-11-2020 15:09:24
Console.WriteLine(Date.UtcNow) '25-11-2020 09:39:24
Console.WriteLine(Date.Today) '25-11-2020 00:00:00
End Sub
End Module
- To Find the Complete list of
class, Click Me
- To declare array in
, use the following syntaxDim intData(30)
-> array of 31 elementsDim strData(20) As String
-> array of 21 stringsDim twoDarray(10,20) As Integer
-> 2D array of integerDim ranges(10,100)
-> 2D array
- To initialize the arrays,
Dim intData() = {2,3,4}
Dim strData() = {"a","av","aas"}
Dim miscData() As Object = {"Hello World",12d,16ui,"A"c}
Module MyModule
Sub Main()
Dim n(10) As Integer ' array of 11 integers
Dim i, j As Integer
'Initialize the elements of array n
For i = 0 to 10 step 1
n(i) = i 100
' Output the elements of the array
For j=0 To 10
Next j
End Sub
End Module
- Dynamic arrays are arrays that can be dimensioned and re-dimensioned as par the need of the program
- Basically, you can change the size of the array at will
- One can declare it using
statement - Syntax is,
ReDim [Preserve] arrayname(subscripts)
- where,
keyword helps to preserve the data in an existing array, when you resize itsubscripts
specifies the new dimension
Module MyModule
Sub Main()
' Initializing the object
Dim marks() As Integer
' Resize the array two 3 elements, initialize with 0
ReDim marks(2)
marks(0) = 85
marks(1) = 75
marks(2) = 90
' Resize the array to 11 elements while preserving previous elements
ReDim Preserve marks(10)
marks(5) = 78
marks(7) = 12
marks(10) = 122
For i=0 to 10
Next i
End Sub
End Module
- These are also called
rectangular arrays
- To create a 2d array of string,
Dim twoDStringArray(10,20) As String
- To create a 2d array if integer,
Dim twoDIntArray(10,20) As Integer
- To create a 3d array of integer
Dim array(2,2,2) As Integer
- To get value from a
, you can index it as2dArray(row-value)(col-value)
- Array inside an jagged array will be of same sizes
Module MyModule
Sub Main()
Dim a(,) As Integer = {
Dim i,j as Integer
For i=0 To 3
For j=0 To 1
End Sub
End Module
- A Jagged array is an array of arrays.
- Array inside an jagged array can be of different sizes
- To declare one,
'Dim ArrayName As Integer()() = New Integer(5)() {}
' Example of Jagged Array
' Array of Array is known as Jagged array
Module MyModule
Sub Main()
' Total 5 elements
Dim a As Integer()() = new Integer(1)() {}
a(0) = New Integer() {0,0}
a(1) = New Integer() {1,2}
Dim i,j As Integer
For i=0 to 1
For j=0 to 1
' a(i)(j) is the different part from an 2d array
Console.WriteLine("a[{0},{1}] = {2}",i,j,a(i)(j))
End Sub
End Module
- To reverse an array,
- To sort an array,
- Collection classes are specialized classes for data storage and retrieval. These classes provide support for stacks, queues, lists, and hash tables. Most collection classes implement the same interfaces.
- To use this data-type, need to import
module as
Imports System.collections
- It represents an ordered collection of an object that can be indexed individually.
- You can add and remove items from a list at a specified position using an index ad the array resizes itself automatically
- Various methods in ArrayList are:
- Capacity -> Gets or sets the number of elements that the ArrayList can contain
- Count -> Gets the number of elements actually contained in the ArrayList
- IsFixedSize -> Gets a value indicating whether the ArrayList has a fixed size
- IsReadOnly -> Gets a value indicating whether the ArrayList is read-only
- Item -> Gets or sets the element at the specified index
- Few functions :
- Add(value As Object) As Integer -> adds an object to the end of the ArrayList
- AddRange(c As ICollection) -> Adds the elements of an ICollecition to the end of the ArrayList