This script finds new games comparing the previous execution with the new one.
All the data is requested from the API:
The included scripts Set-ScheduledTask.ps1 and Unset-ScheduledTask.ps1 allow to set or remove its execution from User start-up.
After any execution of the Get-NewFreeGames script, two .csv files will be generated inside the powershell_scripts folder.
One of them (new_games.csv) has the new games found since the last execution. The other file contains the whole data of the last execution and it's needed on future executions (if deleted, then EVERY game will be shown, with no comparison).
First, create a folder somewhere and put every single file inside (don't ever move that folder).
After that, just doble click any of the .bat files and accept the emerging window to execute powershell as admin (needed to set and unset the task on the scheduler).
There is a file called Set-ScheduledTask.ps1 inside the powershell_scripts folder. The value on this line can be changed to delay the script execution on User start-up:
$executionDelayFromStartUp = 10 # in seconds
On the same folder, the file called Get-NewFreeGames.ps1 can have this line modified to filter by specific platforms:
# Sample values: 'PC', 'DRM-Free', 'Steam', 'Android', 'PlayStation', 'Xbox', 'Gog', '', 'iOS'
$platformFilter = @() #@('pc', 'android') <- write as many platforms as needed just like this
If you can't execute powershell scripts or haven't ever done it before, open powershell and execute this line:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
If after this fix the scripts can't be run yet, then do this to unblock them:
Set-Location substitute-with-the-path-to-the-powershell_scripts-folder
Unblock-File *.ps1
It should run after that.