This is a demo showcasing the Material 3 overscroll animation in Godot.
extends ScrollContainer
export(NodePath) onready var container = get_node(container) as Control
var initial_touch
const MAX_DISTANCE = 300
const MAX_ADD_SCALE = 0.03
func _ready():
# warning-ignore:return_value_discarded
connect("scroll_ended", self, "_on_ScrollContainer_scroll_ended")
func _input(event) -> void:
if event is InputEventScreenTouch:
if !event.pressed:
initial_touch = null
if event is InputEventScreenDrag:
if !initial_touch:
initial_touch = event.position
var distance: Vector2 = (initial_touch - event.position).abs()
# For horizontal scrolling
if get_h_scrollbar().visible:
if scroll_horizontal == 0:
container.rect_pivot_offset.x = 0
elif scroll_horizontal == int(container.rect_size.x - rect_size.x):
container.rect_pivot_offset.x = container.rect_size.x
container.rect_scale.x = get_computed_scale(distance.x)
# For vertical scrolling
if get_v_scrollbar().visible:
if scroll_vertical == 0:
container.rect_pivot_offset.y = 0
elif scroll_vertical == int(container.rect_size.y - rect_size.y):
container.rect_pivot_offset.y = container.rect_size.y
container.rect_scale.y = get_computed_scale(distance.y)
func get_computed_scale(x: float) -> float:
return 1 easeOutQuad(min(x / MAX_DISTANCE, 1)) * MAX_ADD_SCALE
func easeOutQuad(x: float) -> float:
# From
# The variable x represents the absolute progress of the animation in the
# bounds of 0 (beginning of the animation) and 1 (end of animation).
return 1 - (1 - x) * (1 - x)
func _on_ScrollContainer_scroll_ended() -> void:
var tween = get_tree().create_tween()
tween.tween_property(container, "rect_scale", Vector2.ONE, 0.08)