This repository contains projects for learning higher-level programming concepts with Python. The projects cover topics such as data structures, exceptions, and modules.
To use these projects, you will need to have Python 3 installed on your computer. You can download Python 3 from the official website.
Each project is contained in its own directory. To run a project, navigate to its directory and run the main Python file.
- 0x00-python-hello_world
- 0x01-python-if_else_loops_functions
- 0x02-python-import_modules
- 0x03-python-data_structures
- 0x04-python-more_data_structures
- 0x05-python-exceptions
- 0x06-python-classes
- 0x07-python-test_driven_development
- 0x08-python-more_classes
- 0x09-python-everything_is_object
- 0x0A-python-inheritance
- 0x0B-python-input_output
- 0x0C-python-almost_a_circle
- 0x0D-SQL_introduction
- 0x0E-SQL_more_queries
- 0x0F-python-object_relational_mapping
- 0x10-python-network_0
- 0x11-python-network_1
- 0x12-javascript-warm_up
- 0x13-javascript_objects_scopes_closures
- 0x14-javascript-web_scraping
- Python documentation
- Stack Overflow
- GitHub Guides