A directory of scripts that utilize the Paleobiology Database
Getting started
Submitting a script
List of scripts
If you are unfamiliar with using Git for version control, these are some good resources to get you started:
- Pro Git by Scott Chacon
- Think Like (a) Git
- Git cheatsheet
- LearnGitBranching - An interactive way to learn Git
Simply submit a pull request to this repo following the instructions below:
Click "Fork" in upper right corner of this page
You should now be at http://github.com/your_user_name/utilities. In the bottom right, copy the
clone URL
URL, and on your local machine open Terminal and type this, substituting your username for the placeholder:git clone https://github.com/your_user_name/analysis_tools.git
You now have a copy of this repository on your local machine. You can now open this file (
) and add your script. When you are done, save your changes. -
Making sure you are in the correct directory, add, commit, and push your changes:
git add -u git commit -m "Added my script to the list" git push
Go to https://github.com/your_user_name/analysis_tools/pulls and click "New pull request", and then "Create Pull Request". Write a note explaining the changes you made and click "Send pull request"! Once we get a chance to review your changes, they will show up on the list.
If you would like to add your script to this list, please refer to submitting a script above. As more scripts are added, it may become necessary to organize by language or purpose.
# Simple example to identify possibly problematic homonym genera (or duplicates
# or multiple listings of a genus, as occurs when there are subgenera) (written
# by Phil Novack-Gottshall <[email protected]>
pbdb <- read.csv("www.paleobiodb.org/data1.2/taxa/list.csv?base_name=Metazoa&show=app&vocab=pbdb")
# Big download! If errors, copy the URL directly into browser and save csv to working directory
which.gsg <-
which((pbdb$accepted_rank == "genus" | pbdb$accepted_rank == "subgenus")
& pbdb$difference == "")
sort(table(pbdb$accepted_name[which.gsg]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:20]
# Example (as of 9/1/2019, includes a homonym and likely duplicate entry):
pbdb[which(pbdb$accepted_name == "Lowenstamia"), ]
Description: R interface to the Paleobiology Database API
Language: R
Authors: Sara Varela, Javier Gonzalez-Hernandez and Luciano Fabris Sgarbi
Project website: http://ropensci.org
Code: https://github.com/ropensci/paleobioDB
Description: Various R scripts that utilize the Paleobiology Database, including one to calculate the maximum great circle distance between any two occurrences of a taxon in a time interval
Language: R
Author: Matthew Clapham
Code: https://github.com/mclapham/PBDB-R-scripts
Description: Various R scripts that utilize the Paleobiology Database, including one to create a compact taxonomic structure and to check for homonyms or problematic duplicate genera
Language: R
Author: Phil Novack-Gottshall
Code: https://github.com/pnovack-gottshall/PBDB-R-scripts