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Ouistiti - Small featured HTTP server

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Ouistiti (ˈwistiti) is the french name of Marmoset a little monkey of the New World.

Ouistiti is a small web server to manage and to configure small devices. It allows to create an unified Web interface for security on Documents, Websocket, Rest API and more.

Ouistiti is dedicated to be embedded on device for control from a web server.

With Ouistiti, all pages, websockets, scripts are protected by the same way. It is useless to manage the authentication by your-self.


Multi HTTP versions:

  • HTTP/0.9 HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.1 : Ouistiti is able to manage each version of the HTTP protocol from the requests or to accept only the requests of one version.
  • Keep Alive connection: A client connection may be use for several requests.
  • pipeline requests: Ouistiti is able to receive request during the management of the previous one in the same connection.

Secure HTTP - HTTPS:

TLS/SSL connection is available as module with mbedtls or openssl library.

The authentication is available on all client's connection. The users' password may be encrypted for the storage. The following challenge are supported:

  • Basic Authentication: Ouistiti is able to check the users to the simplest way.
  • Digest Authentication: Ouistiti allows to create your connection page and check the rights.
  • Bearer Authentication: Ouistiti is able to create a token and all instances of Ouistiti is able to check this token on the same network domain.
  • OpenID Authentication: Manage the users on a OpenID server (like Google) and Ouistiti checks the user's rights on it.

A module build a Websocket bridge between HTTP socket client and UNIX socket. It is able to manage the handshake and the transfer of data to your application. You develop a cammands' server on a UNIX socket, Ouistiti protects it with a HTTPS connection and its authentication gate. You can find example of servers:

  • chat server
  • jsonrpc server
  • sqlite DB server
  • thrift server

Like the Websocket, Ouistiti is able to protect your stream's server. Your application should only send data on an UNIX socket, Ouistiti does the rest.

  • mp3 music broadcast with pump up the volume.
  • motion-jpeg streamer to stream camera over HTTP.
  • json data streamer.

Like any webserver, Ouistiti is able to send any kinds of files to your client. And in the same time it can manage them on your server:

  • Rest API: it allows to manage the document files with a Rest API to upload, delete, rename the files directly on the server.
  • Home directory: each user can manage his own directory with his private rights.
  • Range request: file may be split into many chunks for the download.


CGI scripts may be call from the client.


Some URI must be redirected on another URI. This module does that with only configuration file.

  • file to another file.
  • error to a file.
  • generate-204 to emulate a wifi gateway.

Connection filtering:

The server may start with a blacklist and a whitelist of IP address.

The server stores into a database the rules on URI access.A rule is a combination of user's "roles", type of request and an expression on the URI. Each request is checked after authentication and before accessing to the ressource.

The module contains its own RESTAPI to set the database, and uses the authentication module for the rights checking.


This module is able to upgrade a connection and transfer data between the opened socket and a UNIX socket server.

The UNIX server may send and receive any kind of data on the socket. It allows to reuse an unsecure server and uses the HTTP features like authentication and TLS connection.

It is closed to the websocket module, but it may be usefull for some protocol over HTTP.


This module runs the python interpretor to call scripts. Currently, this module is staging and want to run django site.

Mono threading or multi threading:

Ouistiti may be build to manage client connections with only one process, to be the fastest webserver. Or it may create a independants process for each client connection, to create a sandbox around it.


Ouistiti is written to be built on a maximum of system. The code is C99 compliant, the threads may be disabled and the configuration may be loaded from memory.

libhttpserver (libouistiti)

Ouistiti is build over the libhttpserver library. This library contains HTTP parser, the socket's management and some generic modules.

The project is available on github

libhttpserver may be renamed libouistiti when the sources of the library is available inside ouistiti project.


The project libb64 is mandatory with some patches. The source is available in ouistiti-project or inside ouistiti project.

cryptographic library

SSL/TLS support may be provided by several libraries:

For authentication dialog with the client the password may be encrypted with md5 algorithm (this one is not safe, but it is mandatory at least for Basic and Digest authentication). If SSL/TLS is not available, one md5 library is mandatory for authentication modules:

thread library

ouistiti may not use the pthread library, this depends on the configuration. But some tools may use the pthread library like websocket servers.


ouistiti uses libconfig library, to set the servers, and the different modules.

Documentation: mod_auth

other libraries

  • jansson library for JWT inside the authentication module
  • sqlite library to manage users database of the authentication

Platforms support

The first version ran on Linux and Windows. Currently only the Linux version is tested.

Build and installation


The first step download the source tree.

    $ git clone

And the libhttpserver project

    $ git clone

There is 2 ways to build:

  • Build the libhtppserver outside the ouistiti tree
  • Add libhttpserver directory inside the root of ouistiti


The project uses makemore to build all binaries.

makemore contains a gnumake file and a configure script. The script is used to write a config file from the default.config file. With configure you may select the installation directories and the parts to build.

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib/ouistiti --sysconfdir=/etc/ouistiti

makemore may run as Kbuild makefile. It is possible to select a configuration file directly with make.

Other configurations are availables inside configs/ directory: * fastmono_defconfig for a fast server but without crash protection. * fullforked_defconfig for a server which is able to continue to run after a crash of a connection.

$ make fastmono_defconfig


$ make fullforked_defconfig

or for a default configuration:

$ make defconfig

For an embedded device like a gateway or a box, the fullforked_defconfig is recommanded.

Build configuration:

The configuration is a text file with fields and values. The defconfig file on the root directory must not be changed. It is possible to modify or copy an existing file in configs/ directory.

The fields

  • FILE_CONFIG : use the ouistiti.conf file for the configuration.

  • VTHREAD : enable the multithreading into the server.

  • VTHREAD_TYPE : take a value like [fork|pthread|windows] to specify how to manage threads.

  • STATIC : build the application, libraries (libhttpserver, libouiutils...) and modules into a standalone binary.

  • SHARED : build/link the dynamic libraries (libhttpserver, ...) and the application with integrated modules.

  • MODULES : build the modules as dynamic libraries, the application will load at the run time.

  • MAX_SERVERS : allow to choice the number of servers and virtual hosts to manage.

Modules configuration:

  • MBEDTLS : build the SSL/TLS support with mbedtls.
  • CGI : build the CGI/1.1 support.
  • DOCUMENT : build the document module.
  • AUTH : build the authentication module.
  • VHOST : build virtual hosting's extension
  • WEBSOCKET : build the websocket module.
  • CLIENTFILTER : build the connection filtering module.
  • USERFILTER : build the userfilter module.


The compilation is done with gmake and accepts configuration in command line.

Ouistiti is available a specific option DEBUG to add traces in the code and the debug symbol.

$ make DEBUG=y

[makemore] allows to watch the compilation line with the V option:

$ make V=1

Cross compilation

Ouistiti may be build for another target than the build host. To do that you needs to add some configurations:

  • CROSS_COMPILE : defines the gcc prefix to use.
  • sysroot : defines the path of the sysroot where the tools should find the dependences.
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf


The default installation will copy the library into /usr/local/lib/ directory, and binary into /usr/local/bin with the default configuration. The paths may be changed during the project configuration (see below)

> make install

To create a new directories' tree before the installation, the DESTDIR variable may be changed.

> make DESTDIR=~/packages/ouistiti install


Ouistiti is distributed with the recipes to build a distribution's package.


Ouistiti uses libconfig for the configuration. Find more information into configuration chapter.


Binaries size

Ouistiti allows to select each feature that you need during the build configuration. The default configuration allows to use all features into the minimum place.

Here some sizes for arm after stripping:

  • all features statically linked: 154ko (mbedtls, libconfig, sqlite3, crypt and c libraries)
  • a small configuration (document): 73ko (c library)
  • with the features as modules: 24ko 158ko of modules 60ko of libhttpserver and other libraries

Memory usage

The memory usage depends to the build configuration and the number of simultanous connections.

With the default configuration for arm architecture the usage is around 4.5Mo for the main process and around 13.5Mo for each client's connection. But the small configuration needs only 5.5 Mo.

With only one process in Ouistiti the VmSize is around 26Mo.

The performance page gives more informations about memory usage.


Ouistiti is not a web server for big network, but it get good results for the document delivery. The performances depend to the build configuration and you need.

  • To get the best results, Ouistiti needs to be build without thread management (VTHREAD=n).
  • To get the maximum of security, Ouistiti needs to be build with one process per client (VHTREAD=y and VTHREAD_TYPE=fork).

Ouistiti may be faster than lighttpd 1.4, but without all features. You can find some test results into the performance page.