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Portable Text HTML Renderer for Python

This package generates HTML from Portable Text.

For the most part, it mirrors Sanity's own block-content-to-html NPM library.


pip install portabletext-html


Instantiate the PortableTextRenderer class with your content and call the render method.

The following content

from portabletext_html import PortableTextRenderer

renderer = PortableTextRenderer({
    "_key": "R5FvMrjo",
    "_type": "block",
    "children": [
        {"_key": "cZUQGmh4", "_type": "span", "marks": ["strong"], "text": "A word of"},
        {"_key": "toaiCqIK", "_type": "span", "marks": ["strong"], "text": " warning;"},
        {"_key": "gaZingsA", "_type": "span", "marks": [], "text": " Sanity is addictive."}
    "markDefs": [],
    "style": "normal"

Generates this HTML

<p><strong>A word of warning;</strong> Sanity is addictive.</p>

Supported types

The block and span types are supported out of the box.

Custom types

Beyond the built-in types, you have the freedom to provide your own serializers to render any custom _type the way you would like to.

To illustrate, if you passed this data to the renderer class:

from portabletext_html import PortableTextRenderer

renderer = PortableTextRenderer({
    "_type": "block",
    "_key": "foo",
    "style": "normal",
    "children": [
            "_type": "span",
            "text": "Press, "
            "_type": "button",
            "text": "here"
            "_type": "span",
            "text": ", now!"

The renderer would actually throw an error here, since button does not have a corresponding built-in type serializer by default.

To render this text you must provide your own serializer, like this:

from portabletext_html import PortableTextRenderer

def button_serializer(node: dict, context: Optional[Block], list_item: bool):
    return f'<button>{node["text"]}</button>'

renderer = PortableTextRenderer(
    custom_serializers={'button': button_serializer}
output = renderer.render()

With the custom serializer provided, the renderer would now successfully output the following HTML:

<p>Press <button>here</button>, now!</p>

Supported mark definitions

The package provides several built-in marker definitions and styles:

decorator marker definitions

  • em
  • strong
  • code
  • underline
  • strike-through

annotation marker definitions

  • link
  • comment

Custom mark definitions

Like with custom type serializers, additional serializers for marker definitions and styles can be passed in like this:

from portabletext_html import PortableTextRenderer

renderer = PortableTextRenderer(
    custom_marker_definitions={'em': ComicSansEmphasis}

The primary difference between a type serializer and a mark definition serializer is that the latter uses a class structure, and has three required methods.

Here's an example of a custom style, adding an extra font to the built-in equivalent serializer:

from portabletext_html.marker_definitions import MarkerDefinition

class ComicSansEmphasis(MarkerDefinition):
    tag = 'em'

    def render_prefix(cls, span: Span, marker: str, context: Block) -> str:
        return f'<{cls.tag} style="font-family: "Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans", cursive;">'

    def render_suffix(cls, span: Span, marker: str, context: Block) -> str:
        return f'</{cls.tag}>'

    def render_text(cls, span: Span, marker: str, context: Block) -> str:
        # custom rendering logic can be placed here
        return str(span.text)

    def render(cls, span: Span, marker: str, context: Block) -> str:
        result = cls.render_prefix(span, marker, context)
        result  = str(span.text)
        result  = cls.render_suffix(span, marker, context)
        return result

Since the render_suffix and render methods here are actually identical to the base class, they do not need to be specified, and the whole example can be reduced to:

from portabletext_html.marker_definitions import MarkerDefinition  # base
from portabletext_html import PortableTextRenderer

class ComicSansEmphasis(MarkerDefinition):
    tag = 'em'

    def render_prefix(cls, span: Span, marker: str, context: Block) -> str:
        return f'<{cls.tag} style="font-family: "Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans", cursive;">'

renderer = PortableTextRenderer(
    custom_marker_definitions={'em': ComicSansEmphasis}

Supported styles

Blocks can optionally define a style tag. These styles are supported:

  • h1
  • h2
  • h3
  • h4
  • h5
  • h6
  • blockquote
  • normal

Missing features

For anyone interested, we would be happy to see a default built-in serializer for the image type added. In the meantime, users should be able to serialize image types by passing a custom serializer.


Contributions are always appreciated 👏

For details, see the