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API coverage visualizer tool. Creates an easily readable html report based upon the executed API test cases.

Currently TestNG and JUnit5 are the supported frameworks






dependencies {


Input file

Pitaya endpoint list file

Create a text file in your resource directory and add lines in the following format:

DELETE /posts/{post_id}, Posts

GET /posts/{post_id}/comments, Comments
GET /comments/{post_id}, Comments

# comment line
# a star marks the endpoint to be ignored
* GET /posts/{post_id}/pics, Pictures

GET /posts/{post_id}/pics, Pictures
OpenAPI Version 3 file

Copy the open api file (json or yaml) to resources directory or use its URL

Properties file

Create a file into the root of your resources directory and add the following properties to it:

Key Value Mandatory The name of your SUT Yes
endpoint.list.input The endpoint list file's relative path or Open API file URL Yes
bar.chart.width The width of the Area-wise Endpoint Coverages chart No
bar.chart.height The height of the Area-wise Endpoint Coverages chart No

Test case modifications


To use Pitaya with TestNG add the reporter to the listeners in your test class(es):

public class YourTestNGTestClass {
    // ...

JUnit 5

To use Pitaya with JUnit5 add the extension to the extensions in your test class(es):

public class YourJUnit5TestClass {
    // ...

In Test Methods

Annotate all your test methods which you want to include in the report:

@TestCaseSupplementary(api = {GET   "/one_of_your_endpoint"})
public void yourTestMethod() {
    // ...

Tools and Plugins

The following tools are used across the project.

Name Version
testng 7.4.0
junit.jupiter 5.8.1
junit.platform 1.8.1
freemarker 2.3.29
lombok 1.18.12
assertj-core 3.14.0
apache.commons 3.8.1
commons-io 2.6
guava 11.0.2
slf4j 1.7.30
logback 1.2.3
jmockit 1.41
mockito 2.15.0
swagger-parser-v3 2.0.21


charts endpoint list

CI Issues and solutions


If Jenkins fails to display css, then run the following command in Manage Jenkins / Script console

System.setProperty("hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP", "")