PyRay is a ray casting engine ( ) written in Python using the PyGame library ( This is the technology used in for example in Wolfenstien (
I wrote this a few years ago as a school project when I was just learning Python. Therefor not all code might be considered best practice. I don"t have the time or interest to continue developing it right now, however I hope that someone will find the code useful!
Unfortunately I seemed to have lost my final report and thereby also lost some of my references. I would therefor like to acknowledge that there are some unnamed contributers and apologize for lack of credit to their work. I would like to thank: for providing useful information about ray casting.
ESC – Exit program
F1 – Take screen shot jpg
F2 – Take screen shot bmp
F5 – Turn on shadows
F6 – Turn of shadows
F7 – Show HUD
F8 – Remove HUD
Use arrow keys to move around.