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Inventory tools for Puppet / Choria infrastructures


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A gem to get inventories of nodes in a Puppet / Choria deployment.


Take care to install this tool in the Puppet environment. If you are using the AIO package, you can install with:

/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install --bindir /opt/puppetlabs/bin motoko

Alternatively, you can install using Puppet:

package { 'motoko':
  ensure          => 'installed',
  provider        => 'puppet_gem',
  install_options => [


Two inventroy scripts are currently provided:

  • exe/inventory use Choria discovery and return live data from your infrastructure;
  • exe/pdb-inventory use PuppetDB querying and return what Puppet thinks about your infrastructure.

Both have a similar feature-set, and a full list of available options can be obtained by running them with --help.

Basic usage

Which nodes are currently up and running

romain@zappy ~ % inventory

Which nodes are known to puppet

romain@zappy ~ % pdb-inventory

Accessing facts

By default, the report display the node name, along with it's customer and role facts (if these facts are available). You can request additional facts are just replace the list. The syntax is the same for both the choria and puppetdb inventory scripts.

Add more facts to the output

romain@zappy ~ % inventory -a datacenter,city,country


The usual filtering knobs are available for the choria inventory script. The puppetdb inventory script has a minimal support for choria-like filtering.

Which nodes have burned in Strasbourg

The initial work on querying PuppetDB is due to the fact that you can't ask Choria for information about nodes which are gone. On March 9th 2021, OVH lost (part of) it's Strasboug datacenter and the frustration of not being able to conveniently build a list of affected nodes and customers was a pain. With Motoko we can now just query PuppetDB:

romain@zappy ~ % pdb-inventory -F datacenter=/sbg/


At startup, Motoko will try to load a system-wide configuration from /etc/motoko/config.yaml, a user configuration from ~/.config/motoko/config.yaml and a project configuration from .motoko.yaml in the current working directory.


Set the list of columns to display by default:

  - "host"
  - "customer"
  - "role"
  - "country"
  - "city"

Column Specifications

Customize how columns are displayed:

  • human_name: what title should be used for the column (defaults to a capitalized version of the column name);
  • resolver: which resolver to use to gather the information (defaults to fact);
  • formatter: which formatter to use to print the value (none by default);
  • align: how to align the formatted value in the column (default to left).
    resolver: "identity"
    formatter: "ellipsis"
    max_length: 20
    resolver: "cpu"
    human_name: "Operating System"
    resolver: "os"
    human_name: "R"
    resolver: "reboot_required"
    formatter: "boolean"


    description: "Show physical node locations"
      - "datacenter"
      - "server_rack"
      - "server_id"
      - "virtual=physical"

This add a new command switch --dc equivalent to --add-columns datacenter,server_rack,server_id --with-fact virtual=physical.

The following settings are available when defining shortcuts:

Setting Description
description Description of the shortcut (visible in --help)
columns List of columns to display
add_columns Extra columns to append of the default list
with_fact Extra filtering of the results based on facts
with_class Extra filtering of the results based on configured classes


Resolver name Description
cpu Aggregate information about the CPU
fact Gather the value of the fact fact (default to the column name if unset)
identity Gather the node identity
os Aggregate information about the OS
reboot_required Combine value of various facts to determine if a reboot is required

Extending Motoko with custom resolvers

Custom resolvers can be dropped in the <motoko-config-directory>/resolvers/ directory. They are automatically loaded on startup.


Formatter name Description
boolean Display a checkmark for things that evaluate to true
datetime Display a date and time in the local time zone
datetime_ago Display a date and time as a duration
ellipsis Display a value truncated at max_length chars (default: 20)
timestamp Display a timestamp (number of seconds since the Unix epoch) in the local time zone
timestamp_ago Display a timestamp (number of seconds since the Unix epoch) as a duration

Extending Motoko with custom formatters

Custom formatters can be dropped in the <motoko-config-directory>/formatters/ directory. They are automatically loaded on startup.


In order to use the Puppet environment, use the version of bundler bundled with Puppet:

/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/bundle install
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/bundle exec rake spec
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/bundle exec exe/inventory

Iy you want to install this development code:

/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem build motoko.gemspec
sudo /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install --bindir /opt/puppetlabs/bin motoko-x.y.z.gem


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Motoko project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.