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Ian edited this page Apr 3, 2024 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the Styx wiki!

For Serendipity Styx better visit the Styx Website at

For Serendipity Styx visit the Styx Website which is much more in shape and up-to-date. For the english speakers go to the Help Center or being able to read the german language have a look into the Serendipity Styx Book.

This Wiki migration is outdated (and just for archive). Please instead read installation/migration notes on websites help center !

The important Upgraders HowTo - Step by Step Guide:

(If not using Styx already, and having done that before...)

  • If you are still with S9y 1.6 or 1.7 Series, please follow the update guide points "a" to "c".
  • Then manually append this line to your backend startpage url: ?serendipity[adminModule]=event_display&serendipity[adminAction]=update&serendipity[newVersion]=2.2.0 (as a 1-liner) and hit ENTER - This will start the autoupdate upgrade routine. You are now at the 2cd half of upgrade guide point "f". The new version string, ie. '2.2.0', has to match the zip files version string, ie. '', which also has to match the searched docs/RELEASE file version string!
  • Afterwards resume with point "g" to "h"! Enable "d" at last.
  • On the other hand, if you upgrade an existing Serendipity 2.1.x it makes sense to downgrade your version first in the and in the files, to get all the recommended upgrade tasks in need for Styx on upgrade (see a-h steps).

Read and follow carefully:

a. Manually update the Serendipity Spartacus plugin file with the temporary styx-spartacus-up file (4) to solve some bugs and set the custom plugin load location option to this url (
b. Update the Autoupdater by Spartacus from the new location, currently this is >= v.1.3.7.
c. Click somewhere else and then return to the plugin list page. Select events and search for the installed/updated autoupdater plugin. It now is configurable! The two new options are prefilled with the origin Serendipity github path. Change both to the new urls (6) and (7). Version 1.4.0 has this already preset. This is important.
d. Next, go to your Backend global "Configuration" - "General Settings" and enable the "autoupdate" option to search for "beta" releases. This as well gives you RC and full release versions.
e. Now click the HOME top navigation button or the blog name to open your backend dashboard.
f. It will now (or later *) show you that an upgrade is available. (*) If that has run before, it might show you an old update version for another ~6 hours. Upgrade to Serendipity Styx Edition. Follow the routine. Don't forget, if it gets stuck, just try to reload the upgrade page. Very easy!
g. Open up the Spartacus plugin configuration and set this url [5] to the custom mirror field. This enables to fetch the Styx additional plugin repository, highly recommended. When all is done, upgrade all other plugin updates via Spartacus, since some of them rely on Styx changes! Styx 2.1.0 and up have this already preset.
h. Now, open up the global configuration again and see a new config option field inside "General Settings" to read the RELEASE file. Change it to the correct Styx path (8). Styx 2.1.0 and up have this already preset.
i. From now on you are on the right track! The next short howto is about some important and recommended backend changes.

Please attend: Fresh Styx installs will have to set the urls too; In this mentioned order! (Except step a. for [4].). ["Update:"] With the Styx 2.1.0 release , Styx has the Spartacus custom mirror g.[5] and general setting h.[8] already preset for new installations. Newer versions of the Serendipity Autoupdater from this repository already also have [6] and [7] preset for new installations.

The hitchhikers guide to Styx Backend tuning:

  1. Open up your Personal Preferences. See the force popup options is prefilled with links. This means, the info button on the dashboard now opens some links embedded to the dashboard and another quick info hello box. If you like it, keep it. My preferred method here is: links,categories,tags. You'll notice the difference in the entry form.
  2. Option WYSIWYG Editor enabled? Why not! It definitely is a good one! And it is even better with the additional CKEditor Plus plugin installed.
  3. Option Default Dashboard Widgets? My recommendation is: Set it to NO. It spares some enormous place on the dashboard and the comment administrations is even better done via sidebar comment link. And it gives you some additional support, with from Styx 2.1.0 .
  4. If you want to get informed about plugin updates on the dashbord in future, install the event "plugup" plugin and check the depending option in the "spartacus" event plugin.
  5. In your Backend Themes, change to use the recommended Styx Backend. This also helps to remember that you have Styx on board!
  6. Upgraders, check if Configuration - Image Conversion Settings - Thumbnail max size option is set to 400. This is the default since Serendipity 2.0. In addition you might want to change exiting thumb images in Maintenance.
  7. Open up the configuration of the entryproperties event plugin. Change the movable item boxes to this new pair order:
    • Active Mark this entry as a Sticky Post
    • Active Empty movable grouping grid-(space-)box
    • Active Author
    • Active Password
    • Active Hide from article overview / frontpage
    • Active Hide content in RSS
    • Active Entries can be read by
    • Active Disable Markup plugins for this entry:
    • Active / Inactive Read permission: Author
    • Active / Inactive Read permission: Group
    • Active / Inactive Custom Fields

You will notice the last three may be activated or not by your needs only. Why this at all? Since this is one of the best pair-order options for the entry form, making it appear nice and smooth, without taking too much of the available place. You will notice, when opening up the entry form. If you don't have it installed, go and install it via Spartacus.

Styx new modemaintain and changelog event plugins are available, plugged as Maintenance Widgets. Upgraders have to install them via Spartacus themselves. And at last, you should read the Styx ChangeLog. This can (then) be done easily via the Backends Maintenance page. :) Definitely!

There is some more..., but this may be it for the moment! Have fun!