CGW is build as a Helm Chart. Therefore I will guide how to use CGW with Helm to be able to deploy it.
For deeper understanding of how Helm works, please read the Helm documentation
Please make sure you have Helm installed on your machine as well as its server component, Tiller, on your cluster.
On macOS you can use brew
to install helm:
$ brew install kubernetes-helm
On Linux have a look, if it is available via the package manager or follow the instructions installing Helm upstream.
If the travelping internal chart repository is available to you, please update your helm repos:
$ helm repo update
Then you can verify, that CGW is available:
$ helm search cgw
Because the repository can be installed with different names, I will refer to it as tp
My result is the following:
tp/cgw 0.7.0-alpha.6 A Helm chart for Kubernetes
Therefore the name of the chart will be tp/cgw
By default, Helm will just use versions, which are no development versions.
Therefore when using for example helm install -f myvalues.yaml tp/cgw
to install CGW,
it will use the last stable version.
To use a development version, you have to use either:
helm install -f myvalues.yaml --devel tp/cgw
Or specify the version directly:
helm install -f myvalues.yaml --version 0.7.0-alpha.6 tp/cgw
If the repsitory is not available to you, you can just clone the repository and checkout the latest version:
$ git clone
$ cd cgw
$ git checkout v0.7.0-alpha.2
Now you can use .
as the chart path, meaning the local directory.
Throughout this documentation I will use tp/cgw
as the chart, which you have to exchange with the folder, like .
Because there are plenty deployment models for CGW, it is not possible to create a minimum valuable configuration as a default.
The configuration documentation will guide you through the creation of configurations. If you just get the job done and already know the basics you can also follow the How Tos.
After you have created your configuration, just install the CGW as follows when using the Helm repository:
$ helm install -f <path to your configuration> -n <name of your deployment> --namespace <namespace> tp/cgw
If you want to use a specific version, you can add --version <version>
If you changed your configuration, you can apply it to an existing deployment:
$ helm upgrade -f <path to your configuration> <name of your deployment> tp/cgw
--version <version>
can also be used to match the desired one.