Extended testing toolset, taste it.
$ testit go compile ./...
# -> go test -run ^Fake$$ ./... | { grep -v "no test files" | grep -v "no tests to run" || true }
$ testit go --abspath --colored --stacked [testflag]
# -> gotest [testflag] |& panicparse | sed // with color preserve and relative β absolute replacement
A full description of the idea is available here.
$ brew install octolab/tap/testit
$ curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/octolab/testit/master/bin/install | sh
# or
$ wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/octolab/testit/master/bin/install | sh
Don"t forget about security.
# use standard go tools
$ go get go.octolab.org/toolset/testit@latest
# or use egg tool
$ egg tools add go.octolab.org/toolset/testit@latest
egg is an
extended go get
$ testit completion > /path/to/completions/...
# or
$ source <(testit completion)
made with β€οΈ for everyone