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Laravel 8 Stisla Jetstream Livewire

We love Stisla Admin Template and Laravel 8 let's make them love each other.

contributions welcome

What inside?

Include simple Data Table with Livewire (CRUD).

What next?

After clone or download this repository, next step is install all dependency required by laravel and laravel-mix.

# install composer-dependency
$ composer install
# install npm package
$ npm install
# build dev
$ npm run dev

Before we start web server make sure we already generate app key, configure .env file and do migration.

# create copy of .env
$ cp .env.example .env
# create laravel key
$ php artisan key:generate
# laravel migrate
$ php artisan migrate
# laravel link up storage files
$ php artisan storage:link

How does it look?