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426 lines (284 loc) · 15.5 KB

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426 lines (284 loc) · 15.5 KB

Change Log

All releases of RandomKit adhere to Semantic Versioning.

v5.2.3 (2017-08-08)


  • Fixed compilation errors Xcode 9 Beta 5

v5.2.2 (2017-07-28)


  • Reimplement String.UTF16Index conformances to RandomInRange and RandomInClosedRange.

v5.2.1 (2017-07-28)


  • Removed String.UTF16Index conformances to RandomInRange and RandomInClosedRange for Swift 3.2 and after
    • This was enabled by an implementation based on Strideable, which the type no longer conforms to as of Swift 3.2

v5.2.0 (2017-07-25)

New Features

  • Made Trivial protocol public, allowing for library users to enable related optimizations for their own types
  • Added jump(count:) variant of jump() to Xoroshiro and XorshiftStar


  • Made jump() for XorshiftStar 20% faster
  • Made reseed(with:) for ChaCha 550% faster
    • init(seed:) is also faster due to reliance on reseed(with:)

v5.1.0 (2017-06-24)


  • Initial Swift 4 compatibility 🎉
  • Improved time to access a thread-local generator by ~22%


  • The ShiftOperations package is not required for Swift 3.2 and above

v5.0.0 (2017-05-31)

New Features

  • Added RandomRetrievable and RandomRetrievableInRange protocols
  • Added SeedableFromSequence protocol


  • Removed random(using:) method that applied to all Sequence types
  • Removed Double random(within:using:) for TimeInterval ranges
  • Renamed RandomWithinRange and RandomWithinClosedRange to RandomInRange and RandomInClosedRange respectively
    • Functions that had a within: argument now use in:
  • SeedableFromRandomGenerator no longer requires Seedable
  • Changed ChaCha.Seed to [UInt32]

v4.5.2 (2017-04-13)


  • Fixed Xoroshiro jump method

v4.5.1 (2017-04-12)


  • ChaCha reseed(with:) did not generate the same values for the same seed it was instantiated with

v4.5.0 (2017-04-12)

New Features

  • ChaCha random number generator
  • Added reseed() method to SeedableFromOtherRandomGenerator


  • Make random Array initializers 5-10% faster

v4.4.1 (2017-03-30)


  • Safely accesses internal global thread-local-storage type keys dictionary with a readers-write lock

v4.4.0 (2017-03-30)

New Features

  • Added initializers to ReseedingRandomGenerator that take 1 or 0 arguments
    • If Reseeder conforms to SeedableFromOtherRandomGenerator, the reseeder is created from Reseeder.seeded
    • For Swift >= 3.1, if Reseeder is DeviceRandom or ARC4Random, the reseeder is just Reseeder.default
  • Added floating-point value generation methods for open, half open, and closed intervals
  • Added thread-local random generators 🎉


  • Made Double and Float random(using:) about 27 times faster
  • Made CGFloat.random(using:) faster , in turn making (NS|UI)Color.random(using:) faster


  • Made randomClosed methods be truly on the [0, 1] interval

v4.3.1 (2017-03-21)


  • Random Dates are internally relative to timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
  • Deprecated Date random(within:using:) for TimeInterval ranges

v4.3.0 (2017-03-21)

New Features

  • Added SeedableFromOtherRandomGenerator protocol
    • Allows for creating a RandomGenerator seeded from another RandomGenerator
  • Added ReseedingRandomGenerator struct for reseeding a base RandomGenerator with another after a certain number of bytes have been generated


  • Much faster Array random(using:) for Swift versions before 3.1


  • Fix compilation issues by not using API unavailable in Swift 3.1

v4.2.0 (2017-03-15)


  • Made Array init(randomCount:using:) about 4 times faster for integer types by having it safely call init(unsafeRandomCount:using:)

  • Made Dictionary shuffling faster


  • Made Array init(unsafeRandomCount:using:) available for all element types, regardless if they conform to UnsafeRandom

v4.1.0 (2017-03-15)

New Features

  • Added seeded static variable to Xoroshiro, Xorshift, XorshiftStar, and MersenneTwister


  • Made the init(randomCount:using:) family of Array initializers significantly faster

v4.0.0 (2017-03-06)

New Features

  • Added randoms(using:) methods to Random- types that return a sequence of random values according to the protocol's specialization
  • Added Bool.random(withWeight:using:) for probability
  • Added more random number generators:
    • Xorshift
    • XorshiftStar
  • NSMutableArray now conforms to Shuffleable and UniqueShuffleable
  • Added randomTuple(using:) global functions for creating tuples of up to six random elements
  • Added ShuffleableInRange and UniqueShuffleableInRange protocols


  • Much better init(randomCount:using:) performance for Array and Dictionary
  • Array shuffling is ten times faster
  • Much better performance for random(within:using:) for signed integers


  • Changed RandomGenerator from an enum to a protocol type
    • As a result, there is no default generator, meaning a generator must be specified as a parameter
  • Random generation functions take a generic RandomGenerator type as an inout argument
  • Removed URL conformance to Random

v3.0.0 (2016-12-09)

New Features

  • Mersenne Twister random generator
  • All integer types conform to UnsafeRandom
  • Array(unsafeRandomCount:using:) for types conforming to UnsafeRandom
    • For much better performance with integer types, this should be used
  • Added a benchmark target that can be built with the Swift package manager
  • Created RandomWithMaxWidth and RandomWithExactWidth protocols
  • Added randomize(buffer:maxWidth:) and randomize(buffer:exactWidth:) methods to RandomGenerator


  • Generating RandomEnum values is significantly faster


  • UnicodeScalar now produces a uniform distribution when the Range or ClosedRange spans below 0xD7FF and above 0xE000


  • Removed RandomDistribution (#29)
  • The devRandom and devURandom cases for RandomGenerator are now a single device case with a DeviceSource parameter
  • The arc4random case for RandomGenerator is now camel-cased arc4Random
  • Float80 extension now available for i386 and x86_64 architectures, not only for macOS
  • URL.random(fromValues:) now returns an Optional<URL>
  • Added ShiftOperations dependency
  • Uses Strideable instead of _Strideable

v2.3.0 (2016-11-21)

New Features

  • Date now conforms to RandomWithinRange
  • Made unicode scalar based string generation faster
  • Created UnsafeRandom, RandomEnum, RandomWithAll, and RandomRawRepresentable protocols


  • Fix which random generator is used for random String. Previously used the default instead of the one passed into the function.

v2.2.1 (2016-11-08)


  • Conformance to Random was removed accidentally for types conforming to FloatingPoint. This has been fixed.

v2.2.0 (2016-11-07)


  • Random Int generation would rely on the size of UIntMax which was apparently not reliable (#28)


  • If on Linux, Android, or Windows, the arc4random_buf function will be dynamically loaded, making the RandomGenerator.arc4random option more widely available
  • Removed default parameter for randomGenerator for the random(using:) function of Range types
  • Removed Random protocol dependency from Random- protocols

v2.1.0 (2016-10-29)


  • Range types now have random and random(using:) for when bounds are RandomWithinRange and RandomWithinClosedRange types
  • Improved performance for retrieving random elements from collections


  • Fixed random(within:) for unsigned integers

v2.0.0 (2016-10-28)


  • Swift 3 compatibility
  • A bunch of protocols/types

v1.6.0 (2015-11-21)

New Features

  • randomGenerator() and randomSequence() for RandomType that return an infinite number of random values
  • New ShuffleType protocol for types that can return its values shuffled
    • Array and Dictionary can be shuffled
  • New RandomIntervalType protocol that allows for getting a random value within a closed interval
    • Random generators and sequences can be made within a closed interval
  • Getting random slices of an Array (Phi Mage #10)


  • Deleted String.RandomLength and NSURL.RandomValues

v1.5.0 (2015-10-25)

New Features

  • tvOS support 📺
  • Added random generators to types in the CoreGraphics module as well as NSNumber
  • Removed the Foundation import for extensions of Swift types (only 'stdlib.h' is needed for arc4random)


  • Relevant Objective-C types now conform to RandomType

v1.4.0 (2015-10-17)

New Features

  • Random phone number generator
  • Random gender generator
  • Random English honorific generator according to type and gender
  • Another CGFloat random generator with interval parameter


  • Faster Double, Float, and CGFloat generation
  • CGFloat value generation is now dependent on its NativeType

v1.3.0 (2015-10-14)

New Features

  • Added random property to SequenceType that returns a random element, or nil if the sequence is empty.
  • Added random() static method to Bit, that returns One or Zero with a 50/50 chance of either.

v1.2.0 (2015-10-12)

New Features

  • Random generators for NSDate and NSURL have been added


  • Parameter for Color.random() is now named #1

v1.1.0 (2015-10-12)

New Features

  • RandomType protocol for types that can generate a random value of Self.
  • Added a random property to CollectionType that returns a random element of self, or nil if self is empty
  • String.RandomLength for setting the default length used by String.random()

v1.0.0 (2015-10-11)

Initial release