We are not affiliated with the nvim-treesitter maintainers. If you are facing issues with tree-sitter support in rocks.nvim, please don"t bug them.
is a rocks.nvim module that helps you manage
and use tree-sitter parsers.
It aims to be a minimal replacement for nvim-treesitter.
Parsers, bundled with queries, are hosted on rocks-binaries and rocks-binaries-dev, so that you don"t have to compile them on your machine.
No. Plugins that depend on tree-sitter parsers can specify the dependencies in their rockspecs.
You can also install the parsers manually, using :Rocks install tree-sitter-<lang>
To enable highlighting for parser <lang>
, all you need to do is create a
file, and in it, call vim.treesitter.start()
See also the rocks.nvim README"s tree-sitter section.
This plugin is for convenience.
- An up-to-date
Simply run :Rocks install rocks-treesitter.nvim
and you are good to go!
This plugin works out of the box and doesn"t need any configuration. However, you can override its default configuration in one of two ways:
- In rocks.toml
- With a Lua config
You can add a [treesitter]
section to your rocks.toml,
and use it to configure this plugin.
# auto_highlight = "all"
# NOTE: These are parsers, not filetypes.
auto_highlight = [
auto_install = "prompt" # true | false
# NOTE: These are filetypes
disable = [
config_path = "rocks-treesitter.toml"
# You can add custom filetype to parser mappings.
# Determine the filetype with ":lua =vim.bo[0].filetype".
# NOTE: You don"t actually have to add these examples.
# They are added by default.
PKGBUILD = "bash"
cls = "latex"
sty = "latex"
Or, you add a lua table to your vim.g.rocks_nvim
vim.g.rocks_nvim = {
-- rocks.nvim config
treesitter = {
auto_highlight = { },
auto_install = "prompt",
parser_map = { },
---@type string[] | fun(lang: string, bufnr: integer):boolean
disable = { }, -- filetypes or a function
config_path = "rocks-treesitter.toml",
If both configuration methods are used, the
lua configuration is given higher priority,
to support things like :h exrc
is licensed under GPLv3.