Lab assignments for Introduction Course of
- Lab 0: K Nearest Neighbors
- Lab 1: Naive Neural Network: Implement a naive neural network framework, and train a classifier on MNIST dataset.
- Lab 2: Single Object Detection: Implement a single object detector with PyTorch.
- Lab 3: Object Detection Libraries: Reproduce SOTA models or tricks based on off-the-shelf detection libraries.
- Lab 4: Generative Adversarial Networks: Generate anime avators with GAN!
- Lab 5: Reinforcement Learning: Develop reinforcement learning algorithms through playing games!
v1.3.0 was released in 2021/10/17.
- โป๏ธ Refactor module tests.
- ๐ฑ Dian Recruitment Fall 2021
- ๐ TODO Fix the implementation of
- ๐ง TODO Module test for
Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.
MIT ยฉ Natter Purson