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🌈 True AutoIt Multi-threading

⚡ Just an experiment to achieve multi-threading in AutoIt, as a library.

👏 All issues and pull requests are welcome!

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Download the latest release (or build from source).

Library files:

  • N.au3 - AutoIt include file
  • N.dll - 32-bit DLL dependency
  • N64.dll - 64-bit DLL (optional if 32-bit only)

Simple example:

#include "N.au3"

func task()
  MsgBox(0, "", "Hello, I"m in another thread.")

func main()
  local $t = NRun("task")


More examples:

See N.au3 to get all APIs.

Build from source


  • Visual Studio 2017+
  • C++ desktop development
  • Windows SDK 8.1+

Build steps:

  • Open true-autoit-multi-threading.sln
  • Restore Nuget packages
  • Choose CPU arch -> x86/x64
  • Press build -> N.dll/N64.dll
  • Copy above DLLs and N.au3 to your script folder


How it works?

Please see the C++ source code, I"ll update soon 😀.

Does it work with compiled EXE.

Yep, it"s designed for both running script in AutoIt.exe and compiled (also upx packed) EXE.

Memory leaks after threads done?

After the first thread is created, the memory increases once ~EXE size. And +80kB after each thread done, that isn"t memory leaks, they are static members/smart pointers of AutoIt interpreter still alive. They will be freed when process exits.

Is its shared object faster than AutoItObject?

Yesh, it is implemented with hash table. I don"t know why AutoItObject lookups property name through array sequentially.

Is there a magic?


Thread safe?

Not implemented yet.