The title is lying! You are being deceived! This is not a complete Javascript Interpreter, this is a mere parser! While there are efforts to transform the AST into bytecode and the underlying stack machine is implemented already, development has halted for now.
All Structures and Parser can be found in src/parse/*
the Parser itself isn't completed, nor is it working correctly, but in a wide margin of cases it already works splendid.
Further testing will make it work better
Exampels can be found in results
A small example of the Parser in action:
let sayHello = () => {
console.log("Hello, World")
This small JavaScript code will yield this enormous AST:
FunctionBody {
scope: [
Variable {
identifier: Identifier(
assign: Some(
Closure {
args: [],
body: FunctionBody {
scope: [],
functions: [],
instructions: [
Identifier {
path: [
action: Some(
Call {
arguments: [
StringTemplate {
start: "Hello, World",
end: [],
functions: [],
instructions: [],
- Implement Bytecode compilation
- Implement VM
- Better Tests
- Write ByteCode parser
- Evalute