const nikitababko = {
code: ['JavaScript', 'TypeScript'],
styles: ['SCSS', 'CSS-in-JS'],
askMeAbout: ['web dev', 'app dev'],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
js_ts: ['React', 'Redux', 'MobX'],
css: ['Ant-design', 'Bootstrap'],
mobileApp: ['React Native'],
desktopApp: ['Electron'],
backEnd: ['Node', 'Express'],
dataBases: ['MongoDB'],
bundlers: ['Webpack', 'Gulp', 'Rollup'],
tests: ['React Testing Library', 'Mocha', 'Chai'],
devOps: ['Ansible', 'GitHub actions'],
design: ['Figma'],
management: ['ClickUp', 'Jira', 'Notion', 'Linear'],
API: ['Postman', 'Google(Auth, mailer)', 'Facebook(Auth)', 'PayPal(Pay)'],
misc: ['Socket.IO', 'Immer.js', 'TablePlus', 'Sentry'],
architecture: ['PWA', 'SPA'],
I specialize in front-end development. I have also full-stack development experience.
I am a fast learner and eager to explore new technologies. An advocate of agile software development, teamwork, and clean code. Able and ready to think outside the box.
I'm a well organized person very passionate and dedicated to my work. I'm used to always finish to my work until the end.
I never give up. I prefer to keep learning, continue challenging myself, and do interesting things that matter. I like to develop expertise in a number of areas over the course of my life and I am always open for new opportunities.