This project is a simple package to help you to automate the creation of your message broker such as RabbitMQ, using the declarative way to create queues, exchanges and bindings.
Initially is only supported RabbitMQ, but I'm planning to add support to other message brokers in the future.
I created this package to help me to automate the creation of my message broker, because I have a lot of microservices and I need to create a lot of queues, exchanges and bindings. So, I created this package to help me to automate this process.
Actually, this package has two ways to declare your message broker.
This package will read a json file with the declarations and will create the queues, exchanges and bindings.
The format of declaration file is the same as RabbitMQ export file.
Has a example of declaration file is in the examples folder, If you want more information about the format of declaration file can be found in the RabbitMQ Documentation
package main
import (
func main() {
var rabbitConnection *amqp.Channel
// Create a new declarator passing the connection
declarator := rabbitmq.NewDeclarator(rabbitConnection)
// Use declarator to declare from a json definitions file
Also you can use the separated functions to declare in your code.
package main
import (
func main() {
var rabbitConnection *amqp.Channel
// Create a new declarator passing the connection
declarator := rabbitmq.NewDeclarator(rabbitConnection)
// Declare a queue
Name: "hello-world-queue",
Durable: true,
AutoDelete: false,
Exclusive: false,
NoWait: false,
Args: nil,
// Declare an exchange
Name: "hello-world-exchange",
Type: "direct",
Durable: true,
AutoDelete: false,
Internal: false,
NoWait: false,
Args: nil,
// Declare a binding
Queue: "hello-world-queue",
Exchange: "hello-world-exchange",
RoutingKey: "hello-world-routing-key",
NoWait: false,
Args: nil,
How to install the package?
go get
Now you can use the package in your project following the examples above or in the main.go file in root of the project.
Also you can use the docker-compose file to run a RabbitMQ instance to test the package.
- Make RabbitMQ Connection optional, passing DSN and create a new connection
- Add unit tests
- Add integration tests
Want to contribute? Great!
Just follow the steps below:
- Fork the project
- Create a branch with your feature
- Commit your changes
- Push your branch
- Create a new Pull Request
- Install Golang
- Install GolangCI-Lint
- Install docker
- Install docker-compose
Please run the make target below to see the provided targets.
$ make help
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Nicollas Petrelli - Initial work - Contact me