This is a simple Android app that uses the Calorie Ninja to display nutritional data for various food items.
- Built on A.S JellyFish
- JDK 17
- Access token from CalorieNinja.
- Once received place it in the file as follows:
API_KEY = YourKey
To Inject the Key when using CI/CD with github actions , add the key to your projects secrets and extract in to your build workflow:
- name: Get from secrets
run: echo "${{secrets.LOCAL_PROPERTIES }}" > $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/
This project uses a modularized approach using MVVM with Clean architecture which has the following advantages
- Loose coupling between the code - The code can easily be modified without affecting any or a large part of the app's codebase thus easier to scale the application later on.
- Easier to test code.
- Separation of Concern - Different modules have specific responsibilities making it easier for modification and maintenance.
- aggregates the data from the network and local database
- handles getting data from any server/remote source
- handles getting cached device data
- defines the core business logic for reuse
- handles Ui logic of the app i.e navigation and use of the bottom bar.
- handles displaying data of queried item combinations
Food Details
- handles displaying all food nutritional details
Saved Food
- handles displaying food saved locally
- Encompasses the core testing functionality of the project
Modularization Graph |
The app includes unit tests for all modules, Instrumented tests are ran as unit tests with the use of Roboelectric
Image | desc |
Unit tests for the ViewModels | |
Unit tests for the data layer | |
Unit tests for the network layer | |
Unit tests for the database layer |
- Kotlin - a modern, cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language with type inference.
- Coroutines - lightweight threads to perform asynchronous tasks.
- Flow - a stream of data that emits multiple values sequentially.
- StateFlow - Flow APIs that enable flows to emit updated state and emit values to multiple consumers optimally.
- Dagger Hilt - a dependency injection library for Android built on top of Dagger that reduces the boilerplate of doing manual injection.
- Jetpack
- Jetpack Compose - A modern toolkit for building native Android UI
- Lifecycle - perform actions in response to a change in the lifecycle state.
- ViewModel - store and manage UI-related data lifecycle in a conscious manner and survive configuration change.
- Room - An ORM that provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow fluent database access.
- Timber - a highly extensible Android logger.
- Ktor - A pure Create asynchronous http client
- Gradle Kotlin DSL - An alternative syntax for writing Gradle build scripts using Koltin.
- Version Catalogs - A scalable way of maintaining dependencies and plugins in a multi-module project.
- Convention Plugins - A way to encapsulate and reuse common build configuration in Gradle
Loading | Recent Searches | Food List |
Idle | Details | Error Screen |